In The Loop

In The Loop

This movie has been largely underrepresented and that is probably the reason why you either haven’t heard of it or don’t really know what it’s about. In the Loop stars Peter Capaldi, James Gandolfini and Tim Hollander, and tells about the interactions of Britain and the U.S. over the thought of going to war. As with most good satires the “Iraq War” is not mentioned as the conflict in question, nor is the answer really given. What makes this movie shine is not necessarily the catalyst but rather the interactions of government officials on both sides as each try to be tongue in cheek about what is really going on. This movie drips with brilliant British humor and satire, with actors who seem to have been given free reign to play their parts. Many scenes feel like they weren’t completely planned, yet they come off great. Critics and moviegoers alike have hailed this movie as being among the freshest films we’ll see this summer, and I could not agree more.


Kids’ movies are my guilty pleasure and I will admit to seeing just about every one that has come out in the past few years, especially anything with Disney or Pixar behind it. G-Force is going to be one of the better movies out this weekend, because not only is it a movie for kids but it was created by a kid. The idea for this movie actually came from the director’s young son, so it’s a pretty good bet your kids are going to love it as well. The movie is well-written and probably has one of the better plots for a kids movie than most expect, and like most kids’ movies these days, it has a few witty remarks geared to make the parents laugh as well. Nicholas Cage, Tracy Morgan, Penelope Cruz and Sam Rockwell all pull off amazing voice performances in this one. For a fun night out with the kids see G-Force. For an adult night out see In the Loop.


The newest horror movie to hit the market. Most critics are finding this movie to be a bit formulaic. Orphan has a decent cast and a decent scare or two, and there are even a few laughs to look forward to. There are a few convenient plot holes (who would honestly let this couple adopt?) and as can be expected it harkens back to the usual fare of evil children movies. Don’t expect a lot of blood and gore horror in this movie, instead it follows more along the psychological thriller type with a bit more scares than we might be used to in that genre.

The Ugly Truth

Speaking of forumalaic…here comes the newest romantic comedy. This one features two people who don’t seem to get along and who seem to have nothing in common. What’s the obvious solution? Work together in order to get the girl to attract a decent guy, and who better to ask for advice than a womanizer who seems to have very little respect for women. And then comes the ending we’re all expecting and by the end neither character changes enough for either to be very redeemable and so they perhaps deserve each other. While it may not be the worst romantic comedy ever put out, the characters do need to have a bit more of the likability factor and I don’t necessarily buy the plot.