Remember when the cost of admission for a family to attend a baseball game was under $50? Can you think back to a time when seats at a Broadway show were realistically priced under $100 a spot? Do you have any recollection of when museums were free and simply asked for a donation if you could spare the change? As seems to be the trend with most facets of pop culture these days, the price of going to the movies has skyrocketed in recent times as well. In the past decade alone the cost of admission, let alone the prices listed at the concession stands, has jumped up a handful of times. In some major cities like New York, a single seat now runs patrons upwards of $12. A crazy thought when you think about how they used to cost a dime less than a century ago.

While some people chalk up the added expense as a bump in their financial road, others are no longer able to see movies at the rate that they once did due to this increase in pricing. For those individuals, there are a couple of options as to where they can get their movie fix from outside of the air-conditioned and popcorn filled theatres. There are movie stores, but everybody knows the problem with those: you can rent a movie for a strict period of time and have to bring it back by a costly deadline. This, in effect, ruins some of the fun of being able to watch a movie when you want to and not have to worry about running back to the store in time to avoid expensive late fees. So unless you are fortunate to live seconds or mere minutes away from a movie rental location, this option is often more work than it is worth.

Another option, and one that seems to be growing in popularity, is watching movies at home on TV through a variety of channels. With satellite TV, you are able to surf through dozens of movie channels that play some of the most current and more timeless movies throughout the day. With specific channels for specific genres of movies (for example, a HBO Comedy channel or Showtime Family channel) you can rest assured that there will be something on at all time for every member of the household, no matter how large the age range may be. Furthermore, the programming offered is truly unparalleled as far as the number of high definition channels you get with some of these satellite TV packages. Not only are you provided with a seemingly endless slew of movie channels, many being broadcast in HD quality, but you also have channels that allow you to purchase movies to your television right in front of you. Browse catalogues of movies that range from new release, to genre specific titles – a library at your fingertips that truly cannot be matched.

With so many quality choices so readily available, the cost of going to the movies has been offset by the options people now have simply by staying at home and utilizing the power of the televisions.

-By: John R. Harrison

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