I can remember when TV first came out. It was a black and white system and far removed from the digital magic we get now. Before that was the radio and we used to go to bed and listen to the Sunday night playbill which was a movie on air read out by faceless voices. All our favorite kids shows would be on air every afternoon and were a kids delight. Shows like “Hop Harrigan” and “Life With Dexter”. If your old like me you will be smiling now with those reflections.
Otherwise there was the good old Monopoly board and I remember buying my first set at the age of nine. I think my son still has it with the old pounds and shillings for money. On Saturday afternoon would be our weekly treat to go to the movies and watch one of the old black and white westerns on the big screens. Eventually, after we had our black and white TV for a while they brought out color TV. What a relief to finally get something with a bit of quality to watch. However, where we lived you had to have a very tall antennae and then the reception was dodgy at the best of times. You were often out side jiggling and twisting the pole to try and tune in a watchable picture.
The TV systems today have come a long way since those days. Eventually we were blessed with the video player recorder. What a piece of magic. We could now watch movies at home as long as you were close to the movie rental shops that seemed to spring up everywhere. A new business was born and another one died. It triggered the end for the drive in movie theaters. They used to be a great night out. We would drive for an hour and a half to go to the drive in and it was a favorite night out. They are mostly all gone now. Even the movie theater had to do a major reshuffle to claim back some of their movie goers after the advent of video players. We can now record TV and play it back later. What magic. There was great competition between beta and VHS systems with VHS finally winning.
Just when they thought they had captured the market someone brought out dvd players and finally we could watch theater quality movies and that has almost killed the VHS industry especially now that dvd recorders are available. Now dvd movies are as cheap as chips at all the discount stores although the new release ones still hold their value for a while.
But don’t hold your breadth because we now have digital video recorders or the DVR. What are they. I don’t really know all that they do yet. I just discovered them in an online store but they sound fantastic. You have digital high definition quality movies, pause and record TV, instant movie download capabilities just to name a few of the things that they do. I was not techie enough to understand half of their features but they sound like the next must have thing for your living room or surround sound movie lounge. You just have to check them out on line to get the full story but I am sure you will be impressed. Are you looking to upgrade your movie viewing capabilities. Apparently these things even work out cheaper than cable TV. Must be the next wave of high Tech home gadgets. Google them now and check them out.
-By: Nick Young
Hi Guys, Be amazed at what these things can do. Have a look now. DIGITAL VIDEO RECORDER