Even though you are strapped for cash, this doesn’t mean that you can’t go out and have a good time with your girlfriend. This article discusses four ideas for a romantic date that won’t put a hole in your wallet.
1. Dinner and movies. Take her out to a movie and then have dinner afterwards. You should wait until a movie has been out for a while to save money. You can get discounted prices on movies that have been out for at least two weeks. These tickets can be purchased through Triple A or Costco. Afterwards, you can take her to dinner. It doesn’t have to be a fancy restaurant. Try AppleBee’s 2 for $20. Or, you can take her to Boston Market.
2. Sports in the Park. If your girl is the sporty type, then you can have some fun by doing athletic activities. For instance, you can play tennis or go rollerblading. You can spend hours doing sports related activities without having to take anything out of your wallet.
3. movie rentals