When you live in the middle of nowhere, one of the things that can be tough, can be dreaded and feared, and that can, in fact, be quite expensive, is often ‘going to town.’ If something is needed, something forgotten, something desired, the only way to get it is by motivating oneself to make the drive into the main urban center or town square nearest you. This goes double for movie rental stores. These places, in small towns and rural areas anyway, live off of late fees. These locales are not counting on renters forgetting to bring the tape back by 6pm the following day, but counting on the renter feeling the several dollar late fee is worth not getting dressed, driving 35 minutes each way, and spending $10 worth of gasoline to avoid. Luckily, today these video stores and their wily ways are mainly going under thanks to the ability to not only download, but stream, rent and transfer movies over the internet. There are no late fees, ever, when movies are findable online, and in fact after paying a small fee (or just downloading or transferring files from friends) the movie is your forever, in HD, and compactly fits onto an external hard drive for safe keeping. However, living in a rural area can also have the drawback that high speed terrestrial broadband internet is not yet available. While the main cables for such networks run through the middle of most towns now, often local providers do not go the extra mile to provide that ‘last mile’ service rural customers need. Instead, they must continue using dialup internet until more options come around.
Luckily for movie lovers who also enjoy the peace and quiet of rural America there is another option in the form of satellite internet broadband. For many years rural television watchers have been able to get all the best programming (let’s face it, even better than cable) with satellite TV, and now the same technology is being applied to broadcast satellite internet around the planet. The best part of satellite internet is that the download speeds are up to 50 times faster than with dialup internet, meaning that movies, music, programs, software, games and more can be downloaded in minutes instead of hours, days, or never, like with dialup. Sitting around all day babysitting a downloading file is no fun, and is in fact far worse than ‘driving into town.’ Stop living in the internet’s past, and get up to speed with high speed satellite internet.
It’s easy to get hooked up to satellite internet, and the installation professional even comes out to your house, wherever that may be, to get everything set up for you the right way the first time. Of course, there will always be reasons to go to town, but with high speed internet boredom or the need for modern media will never be one of them. Today, with high speed internet at one’s fingertips the entire world is accessible from the comfort of home!
-By: Harvey Markus
Enjoy great movies and fast downloading with direct tv wild blue on demand and broadband packages. Finding reliable rural internet service can be tough, so start looking up towards satellite broadband!