With the introduction of SmartPhones over the last several years the public has grown accustomed to being connected to the Internet 24 hour a day 7 days a week. Well most of the public anyhow. There is still a large numbers of people in the United States that have little or no access to the Internet.
Boston Massachusetts is introducing Wi-Fi to public transportation. January 30th 2008 will launch a new era for the Internet. Wi-Fi on Trains. Yes Boston is implementing a Wi-Fi experiment on one of it’s commuter trains between Worcester and Boston line. The Framingham/Worcestor line is one of the busiest in the system carrying millions of people to and from work every year.
As one of the first services of its kind on commuter rail trains in the U.S., our free T Wi-Fi Commuter Rail Connect test program will strive to provide free Internet access for your laptop, cell phone, PDA or Wi-Fi enabled device. In fact, any commuter rail customer riding in a coach participating in the free T Wi-Fi Commuter Rail Connect Test Program may be able to access the Internet via their enabled laptop and Wi Fi enabled device.
Will this be a everyday thing with in the next year? We can only hope. Boston dose too. This idea was introduced in June 2007 in Boston and the idea took of. The city of Boston has always been known for bad cell service and going Wireless has been a priority for some time now. If this works out we could be seeing Wi-Fi on all public transportation systems around the US within the next couple years. This is the best news for the Internet in some years. Boston has also begun introducing cellular and Wi Fi antennas in it’s subway tunnels. You will be able to download movies from the new iTunes movie rental service right on the subway before you know it. Or even live VCast TV For Verizon Users.
Thank of it. It was only a few years ago that there were these huge video game looking thing in public places to get online. What was it $1 a minute or something.Times have changed and fast. From the pay phone to the Internet on public transportation in about 15 years. Ware will we be in 15 more year? Wi Fi embedded in our brains or inner ear.
-By: William Grant
I have been writing articles and blogs on the Internet for 7 years now. Enzine has given me a place to write meaningful and pertainant Articles to suit my Internet interests and keep me engaged. I write about technology and gadgets like the Newest Apple Iphone, and the new Verizon Droid Soon we won’t be able to leave our homes without some kind of technology. Embrace it I am.