OK, I’ve had some time to sit down and finally check out the NXE or New Xbox Experience. I was first greeted by a group of Microsoft’s promised avatars and my first impression on this was that I was actually creating a pseudo representation of myself for my Xbox Live friends to associate with and I have to say, Its great! Avatars are a great addition to the Xbox Live experience. I did not need to sign into Xbox Live to create my avatar though i did have to login to Xbox Live to download the update.

After creating the pimp version of myself I was presented with a fresh new Xbox Live dashboard which at first didn’t feel like I thought it would. Though it only took me a few minutes to get my bearings on the new navigation mechanics. The feeling reminds me of the old style dashboard but if it was opened up with a fresh coat of paint.

Once I had customized my new theme with an awesome city backdrop and checking out how my friends avatars turned out. It was time to checkout the new Netflix feature, oh yea! Netflix on the Xbox360 is like having a movie rental store inside the Xbox360. I chose to pay the $8.99 a month for the smallest plan which offers 1 physical movie out with unlimited instant plays online just to try it out (It comes with a free trial period but you still have to give them your CC information.

Netflix on my Xbox360 was the main hype for me wanting to get this update, the avatars ware awesome, the new look is great at least and the many of smart little functions that Microsoft has added make it a solid feeling while zooming around your Xbox. Of course there has to be something wrong right? I mean, it is Microsoft after all, well. There were no real interruptions during my experience so far except for the first 30 minutes I was exploring, I started getting bombarded with “service unavailable” messages but I’m betting that’s cause of the sheer amount of people who probably skipped chores and work to get this, or maybe I’m alone on that one. heh.

The Xbox360 in my home is the center of all entertainment aside from browsing YouTube (Browser please!) So with the addition of Netflix, the new interactive avatar and spiffy looking interface have only strengthened my satisfaction with the console. I’ve personally owned all three of the mainstream consoles (Xbox, PS3, Wii) but honestly, the Xbox360 is at least to me the current king of entertainment. Don’t think of me a Xbox360 fanboy, I enjoy whatever gives me the best experience. After all, I didn’t enjoy being overcharged for a console that technically is of no use until 2010 or a console that feels like its whole marketing strategy is a huge gimmick, I chose the console that proudly wares their BSOD shirts and knows all about the three finger salute not because I hate PS3 (I love Metal Gear and plan on buying a Ps3 for that game) But because Xbox360 has actual funding for their online experience so it is obviously a richer experience.

If you’d like feel free to add me to your Xbox Live friends list, my gamertag is Massphrossen.

-By: Jeremy James Womack

JW’s PC Tips – http://www.jwpctips.com