Television, when invented in the 70’s, became an instant hit.Sports events and news followed movies, and then we had TV serials and long running shows.A major role in redefining entertainment has been played by TV in the last 30 years or so.TV was earlier limited only to distributing news and limited means of entertainment such as movies.However, it gradually expanded to top the list of entertainment devices.Today TV hosts anything and everything possible, such as news, sports, fashion, movies, regional programs, history, cartoons, wildlife, serials, kids shows, etc.

Today, high speed internet has literally put television on the user’s computer screen.In fact, with the advent of mobile internet, TV has literally become portable.As a result, many folks have even moved away from laptops, as it is now possible to watch live shows, sporting events and movies on mobile and handheld devices.

Nowadays, sports channels and have also tied up with online sites or have introduced their own streaming video.Certain services are available for free, while some of these services include payment.Many sites also enable the viewer to catch up on entire episode series of famous TV shows.Millions of internet users watch and share videos online with the youtube phenomenon.

With internet television, users can now actually choose which programs they wish to view live.The market for “TV on demand” is growing by the day.Online subscribers and viewers are currently watching millions of videos and programs on a daily basis.A website called was one of the pioneers of online was perhaps one of the most popular streaming TV sites, and many users still crave for it although its domain has been seized and the site is no longer accessible.An aspect that is worth mentioning at this stage is that not all online TV sites are legal in nature, which was very much observed with TV Shack.Hosting certain programs online for free may be considered illegal depending upon the company policy that broadcasts the programs.

With online or streaming TV, it is now possible for many folks out there to catch up their favorite TV show or game in case they have missed it.Watching movies online or watching live games and tournaments on internet TV showcases its true potential.There is no doubt in the fact that in the coming future, online TV is all set to take over the entertainment industry.