Phoebe has starring role in Emmy-nominated film
5:30am Wednesday 15th January 2014 in News
By Marion Sauvebois
Phoebe Maddison, who was in a TV programme which has been nominated for a Emmy in the US
A NINE-year-old girl from Swindon will rub shoulders with the crème de la crème of international TV in New York after a documentary following her day-to-day struggle with diabetes was nominated for a prestigious Emmy Award.
Phoebe Maddison, of Groundwell West, will tread the red carpet accompanied by her father Antony with some of the most influential industry names worldwide at the second International Emmy Kids Awards on Monday, February 10.
The St Catherine’s Primary School pupil and member of Swindon Stage-coach was diagnosed with Type One diabetes at the age of four and featured in BAFTA-nominated Same But Different, a BBC Two programme exploring the lives of children suffering from a variety of conditions and disabilities.
The critically-acclaimed feature has now been tipped for one of the highest accolades in television.
Although Same But Different missed out on its Children’s BAFTA nomination, Phoebe hopes it will receive the recognition it deserves this time around.
“This might be our chance to win,” she said. “It’s been really and truly amazing to be nominated and to be part of this. I’ve been so lucky. I’m very excited because it inspired some people in America.”
The prospect of meeting some of her movie idols and following in the footsteps of some of Broadway’s giants will certainly make her short stay a memorable experience.
“I’m really looking forward to meeting all the famous people,” she added. “We will go round asking them for pictures. It will be such a big experience for me. I’m also going to have a tour of New York and see the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building.”
Last year Eddie Izzard was among the many celebrity guests.
As a result of Type One diabetes, Phoebe’s body cannot regulate blood-glucose levels on its own. A pump had to be attached to her stomach to release insulin into her blood stream 24 hours a day. She must also monitor her sugar levels by pricking her finger and testing a blood sample before each meal.
Antony, 42, said: “Phoebe was a couple of years younger when she appeared in the film. “She did it to make children aware of her condition, educate them and show how she deals with the condition on a daily basis. “We are very proud of her. She was diagnosed when she was four and she has coped very well.”
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