IMDB obviously needs to get counter meassures for review bombing in check.

Everbody giving the same score, critizing exactly the same (which is BS) and having only 1 review per account. It saddens me deeply the internet has succumb to this kind of culture. I never wrote a review, but I feel this project really doesn’t deserve whats going on. Hence my first review

I new what Dune was about, but was new to the story. Villeneuve scceeds in letting you experience how the world works, rather than explaining everything. And there seems to be a rich and well thought-out lore to comprehend. From tech to society, culture and environment its a blast and perfectly directed.

The cast is superb and it shows in every scene. I expected nothing less form big names like Momoa, Zendaya and Isaac, but this was my first movie with Chalamat. Consider me a new fan. He nails Paul’s inital teenage mindset and his personal growth. Most importantly he delivers a stunning performance in scenes I imagine are really hard to do, like the box scene.

I also want to mention Stellan Skarsgård who gives us a captivating antagonist. The Harkonnen are generally done very well, but Skarsgård’s Baron is way up there with other beloved movie antagonists.