When you use a low APR credit card it can really help you achieve greater financial freedom. You have more financial options opened to you when you have and can use the credit extended to you from credit cards. Another positive aspect of having and using a credit card that many people may overlook is that it helps build a credit history. With a strong credit history your benefits will increase with credit card issuers and other financial institutions such as banks and lenders. By using credit cards properly you can build a very good credit standing which will allow you to qualify for getting a loan on a house, car and even acquiring a cell phone.

Many consumers with very little credit history are approved for credit cards at higher interest rates or APR (annual percentage rate) when they have little to no credit history. The high interest rates make paying off the monthly bill on the credit card even more difficult for them leading to added debt.

People who qualified for a credit card only to be approved for one with a high interest rate are drowning in debt from the large interest payments they must make each month. With being in debt hanging over their heads people will try to take stronger measures just to get out of it. When consumers cannot afford to pay for the credit card debt they have racked up then they may be forced to file for bankruptcy.

By paying attention to the APR whether it be variable or fixed a low interest rate on your credit card can mean a world of difference to being in debt or not.

Determine which credit cards you can apply for and from those make sure that you compare credit card rates among them. Credit card companies screen each person one by one and the APR you receive may or may not be the same for another person in regards to the same credit card. Your approval for a particular credit card is based on your income, credit rating, how much debt you currently have, etc..

Taking a little extra time to filter through a list of low APR cards to center in on the right credit card for you will do you a lot of good. Also within the list of cards you may see additional incentives for each card such as rewards points, miles, gas rewards, etc..

Having a low interest rate on your card makes it easier to make purchases on larger ticket items or use the card in case of an emergency. It will make paying down the balance a lot easier. Make sure you apply and get approved for the right card so you will not have to hesitate on future purchases. Getting low APR credit cards are a priority for creating a good financial foundation and avoiding the dangers of credit card debt.