Science-fiction pictures or sci-fi films as they are called in short customarily alludes to a genre of movies which heavily depends on non linear science elements and ideas regularly not accepted by current day mainstream science e. G the existence of alien life forms, parallel universes, super human or extrasensory powers, the ability to travel forward or backward in time, and so on. Regularly in union with speculative concepts about the way forward for mankind and the technologies employed in the future world such as high tech spacecrafts, robots and humanoids.
Science fiction films typically have multiple layers to the story and concentrate on political, social and philosophical issues aside from the obvious plot. Some movies even focus on the human condition and have hopeful concepts on the direction of the evolution of humankind and the varied species on earth and the universe. As a result, science Fiction flicks cannot be typically classified into one idiom alone and cut across a lot of genres such as drama, poser, action and so on.
Some of the most well-liked Sci Fi movies that have been released to the cinema audience in nearly the last half a century with a short plot detail are as ;
Inception : Released in 2010, directed by Christopher Nolan, this motion picture redefined how we presumed and dreamed.
Star Wars Franchise : Spread across thirty years, the franchise directed by George Lucas caused a cultural revolution with the light sabers and the Jedi Mind Tricks.
The Matrix : Released in 1999, directed by the Wachowski bros, the Matrix took the world by force with its striking CGI effects, novel camera work and radical ideas on the fabric of reality.
Terminator two Judgment day : Released in 1991, directed by the visionary director James Cameroon, this film has an analogous plot background as that of The Matrix foretelling an approaching doom created by machines.