If you enjoy fine espresso you will love Saeco International Group’s line of espresso machines. Twenty years ago Saeco manufactured the first automatic Saeco espresso machine and have improved upon the process every year since then. At the same time they continue to reinvent the experience of enjoying your espresso in the comfort of one’s home always looking for new concepts to build upon. It is their goal to bring an authentic Espresso Feeling and taste with every cup.
When you think of Europe’s espresso machine industry Saeco Group’s name continues to show up again and again. Their products are known for their continued innovation and quality. In 1999 Saeco acquired Gaggia (another solid brand in the professional espresso machine industry) further extending their hold on the market.
Saeco was founded in Italy in 1981 and its research and implementation of their research allows Saeco to produce products that increase the quality of life for their customers. They manufacture automated espresso and coffee products for both commercial and at home with distribution worldwide.
Saeco International does have a division in the US called Saeco USA, Inc. which is based in Glenwillow, Ohio. Weatherhead 100 has recognized Saeco USA as one of the fastest expanding companies in Northern Ohio from 2005-2008. Saeco USA markets, promotes and supports their customers with an around the clock call center.
With each passing year Saeco continues to innovate and in 1985 they released “The Twin” which allowed 2 cups of coffee to be delivered at the simultaneously. Want push button espresso? In 1998 Saeco equipped its machines with digital readouts and buttons Not on did Saeco add ceramic grinders to Saeco Espresso Machine lines in 2004, they also added digital touch screen interfaces to them. From 2006-08 they released 4 new Saeco espresso machine lines: Primea, Talea, Odea and the smallest design, the Xsmall. We know that espresso beans / coffee beans vary in shape and size. Saeco understands that too and they have added the capability of machines to.
Saeco International Group has won awards for their innovation. Saeco’s automated espresso machines have won the Red Dot Design award which analyzes the product in terms of form, innovation, environmental impact, ergonomics, life-span and functionality. Another award Saeco received was from Plus X for ecology, ergonomics, innovation, design and ease-of-use. Saeco espresso machine lines scored extremely well when tested on function, reliableness, usability and environmental characteristics for the IF Product Design Award. Continuing its quality products Saeco also won the German Stiftung Waretest GUT 2,3 when judged on environmental factors, design, function, how dependable their machines were, etc.. Each passing year Saeco continues to come up with new innovations that are recognized through their awards.
Saeco has partnered with Mavea which is the worldwide leader in water filtering systems and made it available in their Incanto, Talea, Primea espresso machine lines. With Mavea’s filtering system the water used in producing coffee or espresso will take away copper, lead, reduce limescale / impurities in every cup each Saeco Super Automatic Espresso Machine produces. Impurities will build up and clog the piping system of espresso machine if not filtered out and taint the taste of your espresso / coffee. By partnering with Mavea, Saeco can bring customers of their espresso machines the quality espresso they deserve.
For those of you who want to bring the café experience home with you, consider Saeco’s line of automatic espresso machines to produce your next cup.