When new Blockbuster movies are being released by big movie companies, a lot of movie goers will line up in the cinema usually early in the day just to be the first few people to watch the premiere. They would spend quite a lot of money for this too and the cinemas would be jam packed with people for weeks. Many movie goers will say that watching a film in the big screen is way better because you somehow become part of a scene due to the large screen and the clean sounds. You get engrossed with it.

For a causal movie watcher, they would prefer to wait for the movie to be available in dvd or any equivalent media. If they cannot be patient for the dvds then they would just download movies from the web. They are a patient bunch but sometimes are they can’t wait, they just download movies right off the internet. And a lot of people can now watch them through whatever media device they chosen. These copied versions are now called bootleg movies. Essentially, these movies are pirated versions of the actual movie and sometimes quality is questionable especially those newly released Blockbusters. According to history, production of alcohol back in the old times was considered illegal.

Back in the olden times, bootlegs were actually vessels for storing illegal alcohol because it was considered illegal to produce your own alcohol.Plenty of people prefer to download these bootleg movies despite it being considered as contra band. Quite a number of people prefer downloading bootleg movies because they are convenient since all you have to do is click a movie and wait for it to finish downloading. Plus for a certain membership, you can also download many other movies.

This saves a lot of travel time and money too especially since video stores is rarely updated. Best of all, you can watch all your downloaded movies right in the comfort of your own home or mobile devices. However, bootleg movies are considered by law as illegal because they break the copyright laws of movies. This is because it infringes the copyrights of a film. Plenty of laws have been made in order to stop this but finding the culprit is not an easy task.

Generally speaking, people are being discouraged to download these bootleg movies and if caught they are subjected to the law. If you do not market what you have downloaded, then to a certain degree it’s alright to download bootleg movies. Hence, these movies must be used for personal use only because once you go out and selling them, there is a big likelihood that you would get punished by the law. Do the exact opposite though then you might be facing some charges from very big movie companies. So be careful with bootleg movies and if you can enjoy them while they’re still here.