Internet search giants Google are also getting into the Live Internet TV occupation. In June, Google launched a new Web-based video search service, which allows battalion to use keywords to search the go with’s indexed database of video from mental ability providers that have uploaded video since April.
While some content providers, like Comedy headstone, are experimenting with Web distribution, most of them are only doing it tentatively. Executives at Comedy Central say its new broadband-optimized site, called MotherLoad, is designed to complement the existing wire channel and not replace it.

 These content providers also have to consider the deportment of their consultation, which is used to paying cable or satellite companies calendar monthly fees for access to channels that they can “surf.” The technology may be available to stream quality video over the Internet, but whether or not people will vacate the old cable model to go with something totally different has yet to be seen.

“The demise of traditional television is a folklore,” Hirschhorn said. “viewing audience want more interactive TV, but traditional TV won’t die. Still the best way to reach an audience is done? the internet TV.”
 “We will go wherever ever the viewers are,” Hirschhorn added. “Right now they are in both places-on the Net and on cable and satellite networks. We don’t deliberate in close people off. We aren’t going to react like the music industry, who has been trying to put the genie back in the bottle.”

Cable providers and phone companies, such as Verizon communication theory and SBC Communications, now entering the paid TV market also recognize that customers want more interactive content. And many of them are already providing on-demand programing, which allows viewers to download movies anytime they want.
Comcast, the greatest cable company in the United States, already provides an all-inclusive library of on-demand movies. On Wednesday it announced it would provide an additional 250 movies every month to its digital cable customers at no extra charge. In total, Comcast customers will be able to select from about 800 movies each month.