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rent and buy DVD movies on-line

Online dvd film rental companies allow a person to rent and buy dvd movies on-line through the mail. Normally, a customer interacts with the dvd rental company via the Internet and recieves the films ordered via regular mail.

How dvd film rental works

dvd film rental companies operate on the following model:

A new customer joins the dvd rental service and creates a list of good movies they will like to rent, next the dvd rental company sends movies from the customers list by regular mail, finally the customer receives the films, views them and sends them back and receives another film from list.

The best-known dvd film rental company today is known as Blockbuster.

Blockbuster dvd Film Rental

I am in love with Blockbuster’s dvd rental service, Its easy to use, quick and affordable. Another popular Film rental company is Netflix.

The reason i don’t use Netflix and won’t advice anyone to use its service is because their service is expensive, dvd delivery is slow and they don’t provide coupons as often as Blockbuster does.

Another reason i use Blockbuster to rent and buy dvd movies on-line is because they provide free movie and game rental coupons to users each month.

The last reason i love Blockbuster’s service is their fast and efficient delivery of dvd rentals, they have an arrangement with USPS that enables Blockbuster to electronically register dvd’s refund before they actually arrive their office. This saves time for both Blockbuster and their users benefit from greater turn-around time for their next dvd rental.

If you are looking for an efficient, reliable and affordable Online dvd film rental service, I highly recommend Blockbuster online dvd rental.

-By: Kingsley Duru

Did you find this article intriguing? Why don’t you take advantage of a free trial offer from Blockbuster Online dvd Film Rental [http://www.infoflakes.com/Online-dvd-Film-Rental] Today

7 Benefits Of Online DVD Rentals

The world loves movies and dvds are extremely popular with movie buffs who dislike theaters, queues, crowds, and sticking to showtimes. Now dvds are available online and this means you will not have to rush to video stores, wait for dvd’s to be returned and rush back to return dvds on due dates. Websites like Netfix, Rentshark, tesco dvd rental among many others offer a great many choices as well as membership plans for dvd rentals.

Renting dvds online has many advantages:

1. The choice of movies is unlimited. And innovative search tools enable you to find movies in a multitude of ways. Movies can be listed by theme, title, director, heroes, and so on.

2. Online websites that deal with dvd rentals offer free two way shipping . so the movies you select will reach you wherever you are and the dvds will be picked up too!.

3. There are schemes for renting dvds online that have no dues dates and no late fees.

4. You can under a plan rent more than one dvd at a time and the subscription fees can be made monthly, quarterly or yearly and a membership can be cancelled at any time.

5. Many dvd websites have reviews, film preview clips, and lists of movies recommended by experts. So you can choose to rent a dvd as an informed person. There is absolutely no need to make a random choice.

6. On online dvd rental sites there are facilities to review movies as “new releases, hot titles, family viewing, award winners, and so on.

7. You can view lists and availabilities of dvds from the comfort of home or office and add movies to your want list so that as and when the dvd is available you will receive the dvd. The options are numerous and the customer service immediate. You never have to wait for a sales person to attend to you. All you need to do is have a computer with internet access.

The internet has brought convenience to every aspect of life including movie dvds. All a movie buff has to do is become a member of a chose online dvd website. Then as a member you can not just see movies but enjoy several benefits like cash back offers, discounts, and gifts. Many dvd rental websites have loyalty schemes in place and like flying miles you can gather points and enjoy movies.

Online dvd stores are extremely popular as all you need to do is choose a movie and click a key or mouse and the movie will be at your doorstep. If you are innovative you can comparison shop and get dvds online at better rates than most shops and websites.

-By: Adrian Guimond

Adrian Guimond is a retired dvd Rental Agent and a writer for http://www.1866dvdrental.com the premier website to find free search for dvd rental, online dvd rental software, dvd rentals, dvd rentals free trial, online dvd rental, dvd camcorder rental, top dvd rentals, dvd movie rental, dvd rental services, Compare online dvd rental and many more.

’90s Nostalgia – Matthew McConaughey’s Big Breakout Role

In the first of my new Classic movie rentals Recommendation Series, I review A Time to Kill (1996).

If you have some time to kill, go and rent A Time to Kill, based on John Grisham’s first novel, which was rejected by a bevy of publishers and only dusted off again after he became a success with later novels. It, and the movie, were worth the wait.

A Time to Kill, as other Grisham stories, is set in the Deep South, this time targeting the issue of race relations and asking the pointed question, ‘Can an African-American man who has murdered two white men receive a fair trial, or even a jury of his peers?’ Of course, it’s not all so simple. The two dead white men were violent scum to begin with and show no remorse for their actions. Although they committed the first crime, the rape and attempted murder of the African-American man’s little girl, the issue for debate is, can justice prevail in a situation like this? Though vigilantism is against the law, who among us would not entertain the thought of meting out our own punishment if it were our loved ones who were victimized?

That’s the position taken by defense attorney Jake Brigance, played by Matthew McConaughey in his first big role. He is incessantly driven by the specter of such a heinous crime befalling his own wife or little daughter, not by money (what a concept!) which his client, Carl Lee Haley, doesn’t have. His perseverance is admirable in the face of death threats from the Ku Klux Klan, and of the very real possibility that his budding law career could go up in flames quicker than the cross burned in his front yard.

McConaughey had a lot of advance publicity to live up to, but he carries the load well with his down-home Southern charisma and natural ability. And he is surrounded by good supporting players here-Kevin Spacey is remarkable as the self-assured prosecutor aiming for career-boosting headlines in a case he knows he can’t lose. The large cast also includes Sandra Bullock as an ambitious law student who likes to flirt; Oliver Platt, a sex-starved divorce lawyer who provides plenty of comic moments so necessary to this film; Donald Sutherland, a brilliant but alcoholic disbarred attorney who took a wrong turn somewhere; and pretty Ashley Judd as Jake’s loving wife. McConaughey and Judd’s scenes sizzle, quite possibly because the makeup department overdid the sweat. Or maybe the Brigances should invest in an air conditioner.

At two and a half hours, A Time to Kill is gripping courtroom drama with fine acting, thought-provoking realism sprinkled with many fun-to-watch characters.

-By: Shelly Greenhalgh-Davis

Shelly Greenhalgh-Davis is the author of two historical fiction novels, Eagle Shadow and its sequel Eagle Rising. Visit her at http://www.shellygreenhalghdavis.com

How the Things You Buy Today Can Save You Money

With money on many people’s minds because of the economy, any way to save is a bonus. MyWorldPlus is a dream come true with the opportunity to save hundreds of dollars every month. It offers discounts on the products you buy every day.

MyWorldPlus is a terrific program that can help you save money every month on products and services you already are using. As soon as you are a member you can start saving money no waiting. Thanks to the exclusive offers available, you can save hundreds of dollars every month.

While there are countless programs and discount savings companies that can help you save money, this program takes it to the next level. Instead of having to buy things out of the ordinary to save, you can buy the things you normally buy and still save money. Whether it is shopping, golf, movies, rental cars, or sporting events, the possibility to save is there.

Going through a vigorous work schedule or a stressful lifestyle can take a toll on you over time. Take a family vacation,get out and enjoy yourself from time to time this is not just for when you do the weekly shopping.

Have a meal out or plan a romantic getaway with your better half. If you have been short on cash to do so, MyWorldPlus is just what you have been waiting for to help save money on casual dining or an exotic vacation.

If you shop online quite a bit, you can now earn cash every time you purchase something from one of the many stores. If you like shopping online then you will still save money with over 600 online stores to make your shopping easier.

Even if you do not go out on the town much or eat out, everyone shops at the grocery store. There are loads of grocery coupons for you to take advantage of straight from the page after becoming a member so you can stock up the house for the month while saving a tremendous amount of money.

You can now save up to 50% off on all of your shopping, ski lift tickets, dining, moving, sporting events, golfing and much more. There are many different ways that you can benefit with the vouchers that save money; or you can give them to friends and allow them to take advantage of a good time.

To become a member is very easy and there is a small fee, you will recover your membership over and over again when you go shopping. MyWorldPlus has a little bit extra to offer no matter if you visit the movies, dine out, love sport or eat at home.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ray Mann

-By: Ray Mann

Ray Mann is always looking for opportunities to offer you that will save money or make money I recommend this program as the best I have seen in years check it out no obligation. Save Hundreds Of Dollars Now.

Is An Audio Book Club Right For You?

As electronic book downloads become more popular, so does the concept of the audio book club. Much like a movie rental shop, an audio book club allows you to rent audio books for a period of time. These are an excellent option for people who enjoy digital literature or non-fiction, but do not want to purchase audio books to keep.

An audio book club usually offers different subscription models to choose from. For various monthly charges, you can rent different numbers of audio books. Using the popular model of many dvd rental clubs, audio book clubs feature no late fees and free shipping.

How Does an Audio Book Club Work?

It is quick and easy to get access to digital media through an audio book club. The first step is joining an audio book club that fits your personal needs. Fill in your information, including payment information, to create a new account. If the audio books will be delivered to your door rather than downloaded directly to your computer, it is important to input a valid shipping address.

After your account is created at the audio book club, peruse the selection of available audio books. When you find a selection that you would like to rent, add it to your list or rental queue. Some audio book clubs will tell you if a particular audio book is available immediately or if there is a wait to receive it.

Audio books on compact disc or books on tape will be mailed to your door. The package will include a postage paid return envelope to send the selection back in. Your audio book club membership fee covers the price of the return postage. Downloadable audio books will be made available directly on the audio book club website.

Why Should I Join an Audio Book Club?

There are several options for finding audio books to listen to. You can buy them at shops or various website on the internet. A small selection of titles may be available at your local library. There are also free audio books. These are usually public domain classics, not bestsellers or current books. Joining an audio book club brings you an extensive selection of electronic books without the expense of purchasing them.

When deciding on which audio book club to join, it is important to identify your needs. Consider what type of audio books you want: fiction, non-fiction, trade journals, or children’s books. Decide how many audio book titles you want to be able to have at one time, and how many you would like per month. Cost is another thing to take into account.

Once you find the correct audio book club for you, you can begin receiving audio books. Some audio book rental clubs send compact discs containing the audio files through the mail. Others offer downloadable audio books.

Joining an audio book club provides an economical resource for entertainment and education. Audio books are more convenient and portable than traditional books. They can be listened to while exercising or in the car. An audio book club makes it even more convenient to get the texts you want for less than the full purchase price.

-By: Steve Hill

Talking Book Store is a fast growing audio book website offering both free and paid audiobooks. Their ever-growing catalogue contains over 8,000 titles.

They make it easy to discover the engrossing world of the spoken word through the audio book format.

Steve Hill also has a website at:

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Rent Films- A How to Guide

Are you stuck and unsure how to rent films? Then let me help you out by writing this little guide for you. You may be new to the whole online rental business or you may have heard of it before, chances are you’re not living in the stone age and you have heard about renting movies off the internet for some time, maybe now you’re interested in giving it a go, so follow these tips and you will be on your way to movie rental heaven.

Step one would be to find a company that has a lot of movies, dvds and films to choose from after all you don’t want to rent off a site that offers only a small amount of dvds because after you have watched them what are you going to do then? Look for another company, more than likely. So make sure the company has hundreds of thousands of films to choose from.

Step two would be to check if the company offers an affordable rate to rent the movies for, if their too expensive look elsewhere, in this current financial crisis more and more companies are trying to bend over backwards in order to gain you custom. Check for deals promotions, coupons or any other savings they may have on their site, most good companies will have one of the above.

The next step is to simply order the movie of your choosing, after you have done so get your favourite ice-cream, popcorn and drink and get them all ready to watch your favourite movies. If you’re a film fan I highly recommend to Rent Films rather than buying them.

-By: Ricky Davies

My Name Is Ricky, I love movies and love to write about them. I write for several movie review websites one of the sites I write for is http://www.mytvtalk.com if your looking for the latest movie reviews then I suggest you check out the site.

Counter the Effects of Media Violence on Children

Despite the fact that their own ratings systems found the

material appropriate only for adults, the motion picture,

music, and video game industries practice “pervasive and

aggressive marketing” of violent movies, music, and

electronic games to children. – Federal Trade Commission

finding regarding child entertainment

The values

depicted on TV and movie screens are a far cry from the

values you want your children exposed to in their formative

years. For example, the average American child will have

watched 100,000 acts of televised violence, including 8,000

depictions of murder, by the time he or she finishes the

sixth grade. In a typical American home, the TV set is on

for over seven hours each day, and the average child spends

more time watching that TV than they do in school, or doing

any other activity besides sleeping. And, while your

children are glued to the tube watching so-called child

entertainment, they will see between 1,000 and 2,000

television ads promoting alcohol every year.


difficult to control parental outrage in the midst of that

kind of media influence. How do you teach your child the

concepts and character traits that translate into better

learning habits at school, better behavior at home, and

better citizenship in the world? How do you define loyalty

to a five-year-old? How to you teach a four-year-old about

bravery and respect? And how do you explain love?

These aren’t simple words that can be taught to your child

by rote. They’re complex concepts that your child needs to

know, understand, and adopt at an early age if they’re to

succeed in life.

The key to teaching children

sophisticated character traits – such as courage, loyalty,

justice, respect, hope, honesty and love – is

character-based education. The heart of character-based

education is guiding your children toward TV shows, kid

movie, and books that reflect positive values. While you

may not be able to give your child the words that explain

diversity, you can exert and control parental influence by

giving him or her any Winnie the Pooh book, which

demonstrates that theme in ways a child can easily

understand. Pooh Bear also interprets the concept of family

and the value of friendship.

Thomas the Tank

Engine teaches lessons about cooperation, sharing, and the

value of hard work. Your child may not realize that they’re

being taught a lesson while reading about or watching

Thomas and his friends, but by the end of the book or TV

show, they will have learned a complex concept – and been

entertained in the process.

For older readers, The

Wizard of Oz follows a similar theme. When the Scarecrow

complains of his lack of a brain, the Cowardly Lion

discusses his lack of bravery, or the Tin Man wishes he had

a heart, your child learns what intelligence, bravery, and

love are, and why they’re so important. Dorothy tirelessly

tries to find her way home, and in doing so surrounds

herself with new friends who work together to overcome

their weaknesses and harness their strengths. Even though

your child is engrossed in the story, the concepts of

family, courage, cooperation, home, and love are made


When you look at the values presented in

the media, it becomes clear that positive character traits

are poorly defined for children. What one child learns

about bravery and loyalty from watching two bank robbers in

a kid movie is much different than what another child learns

about bravery and loyalty through reading about or watching

Winnie the Pooh helping a friend out of a jam.


parents, combating the negative influence of media by

filtering the content to which our children are exposed –

such as looking at a movie rental review – may not be

enough. Even if our children are an exception to the

national average – over six hours of daily exposure to the

media – it’s safe to assume that their peers have

internalized negative media messages and will influence our

children. To counteract negative media and peer influences,

we must take charge of our children’s character education.

That’s not easy, given that our active lives and hectic

schedules leave little time for reviewing and selecting

appropriate reading and viewing material for our


Still, you should do what you can to guide

your family toward materials that reinforce values that you

hold dear. Evaluate the content of each children’s book,

television show, and movie rental review for positive and

negative examples of the following ten traits:

self-discipline, compassion, responsibility, friendship,

work, courage, perseverance, honesty, loyalty, and faith.

Also, look for negative behavioral influences, such as

violence, profanity, nudity, sexual content, scary elements,

and the use of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. Then, make your

selections according to the messages that each book,

television show, or movie sends your children.

-By: Brent Sitton

Brent Sitton is the founder of DiscoveryJourney.com [http://www.discoveryjourney.com]. DiscoveryJourney has a variety of tools available to parents to help counter the effects of media violence. Discovery Journey has compiled a Kid Movies [http://www.discoveryjourney.com/kidmovies.htm] list containing violence-free children’s movies. Each movie rental review [http://www.discoveryjourney.com/kidmovies.htm] includes a listing of positive character traits and a listing of negative behaviors, along with a Character Score that helps parents select appropriate child entertainment.

Advantages of Netflix For Cheap Movies

There are all sorts of ways to get cheap movies and one of the reasons that Netflix is very popular in today’s movie and entertainment society is because Netflix allows you to grab the movies you want at very reasonable prices. Think about it: would you rather travel to your local video store and pay two to three dollars for every new release movie you want to watch or would you rather have your movie rental shipped directly to your mailbox for a fraction of the cost? Most people would choose the latter and this is exactly why Netflix has excelled in what they do.

Getting Cheap Movies through Netflix

Besides being able to watch movies in the comfort of your own home after the movie dvds have been shipped right to your door, a couple of the other good things about getting cheap movies through Netflix is the fact that there are no late fees! Any Netflix member is able to keep his or her movies for as long as they want without incurring late fees. How this works is that the member pays a small membership fee at the beginning of the month and that fee is charged no matter how long a dvd or movie is kept!

Streaming Movies Right to your Television!

One of the other advantages of being a Netflix member and getting cheap movies is the fact that members are now able to get free movies streamed right to their television as part of their membership cost! The way this works is that the Netflix member either has to purchase a small box that sits right next to their television or has to have a certain brand of HDTV! In both cases movies can be sent right to their screen anytime they want to watch them!

Other Options for Cheap Movies

Of course, Netflix is great but there are other alternatives to the services they offer! If you’d like to get cheap dvd movies elsewhere then one of the many places to do that is through internet freebie sites. Also called incentive sites, these types of websites allow users to choose a free gift such as a new release movie or dvd of their choice and actually claim that dvd or movie as soon as a few requirements on the part of the user is fulfilled. Usually these requirements don’t cost anymore than two to three dollars, which makes it a great way to get brand new unused movies for free! All in all, though, getting cheap movies is definitely the way to go whether you choose to start a Netflix membership or get cheap dvd movies through one of the many internet freebie sites!

-By: Matt Schieltz

An example of one of the many great freebie sites (a.k.a. incentive sites) where users are able to choose completely free movie gifts is [http://Movies.SantasGiftsAllYear.com]. This is a site where anyone can simply sign up, choose whatever movie gift they’d like to get, and then complete the simple offers to get the movie of their choice shipped right to their door (like Netflix!). It’s a very simple process to complete if you’d like to get your hands on some cheap movies that are brand new, but it all starts with registering at [http://Movies.SantasGiftsAllYear.com].

Movie Download Websites – How They Work

Basically how unlimited movie websites work is you pay a monthly subscription fee(some websites only charge a one time membership fee) and you are given access to the website and are then able to begin downloading movies.

Movie download websites, how they work the best for new users is making sure that you are well informed about what the website offers before you decide to pay the membership fee and begin downloading.

The very first thing that you want to determine before signing up for an unlimited movie download website is that the movies available on the site are able to be legally downloaded.

You will also want to find out what type of format that the movies are offered in. Nothing would be worse then joining and unlimited movie download website only to find that the movies you download are not compatible with your dvd player. Signing up with a movie download service that will allow you to download your movies onto CD is also a smart idea as most computers are not equipped with a dvd burner and compact discs are less expensive then dvd.

Does the website that you are interested in joining to be able to download movies from offer a guarantee of the picture quality of the movies that they have available? You do not want to spend you hard earned money on a movie with a fuzzy or snowy picture.

Unlimited movie download websites, how they work is providing you with a great opportunity to view movies in the comfort of your home without having to visit the movie rental store.

A demo video, showing how the movie download service works, can be seen on:

-By: Ruca Martin


It’s Cheaper to Rent Movies Online – Not to Buy Them

Why should you rent movies online in these days of cheap dvds in discount stores and supermarkets when you can own them for a fairly low price? There are two major answers to that question other than the various other benefits you get from renting dvds. These are:

1. What do you do with a movie once you have bought it and watched it? Retain it in your ‘video library’ for future viewing? But will you? When you have reached the stage that you want to watch it again it would already have been shown on TV, and you could have recorded it free: so what additional benefit is there after you have watched the movie? Renting enables you to view a movie at low price as soon as it is available on dvd or Blu-ray and then change it for another – something not possible if you bought the video.

2. You can rent three movies at any one time for the price of purchasing just one, and you can change your rented movies as often per month as you wish. In theory, it is possible to view about thirty rented movies for the same price as you would pay to buy just one. Not that it would be possible for you to view a movie a day – or would you? This option might be a good deal for you if you cannot get out of the house and this is your main means of entertainment. It is something to think about.

These, then, are the two main reasons for people renting rather than purchasing videos, although they are not the only ones. Among these is the fact that an online video store offers you a much more massive choice of dvd and Blu-ray videos than any offsite mall video rental store could provide for you. A very attractive benefit of renting is that you can book new movies in advance of release and be among the first to have the dvd or Blu-ray in your home. According to where you are in the queue, you would be provided with these videos in your next order.

Another benefit is connected with the great classic movies, such as ‘The African Queen’ and many of the Charlie Chaplin movies, that is one of the main reasons for some movie buffs joining online movie rental sites. It is frequently very difficult to find these older movies online, even to purchase, and so this is a great benefit for you.

There are many other benefits: searching for your preferred movies by actor, genre or title, and you return your videos in strengthened pre-addressed and prepaid envelopes,and it would appear that the weight of argument is for renting and against buying dvds or Blu-ray videos. You can rent Blu-ray videos as well as the standard (for now) dvds, so if you want to rent your videos on the internet then you are certainly making the correct choice.

-By: Peter Nisbet

Further information on the benefits of online movie rentals are available on Pete’s website http://www.blogging-profit.com/rent-dvd-movies-online.html where you find how you will benefit if you Rent dvd Movies Online rather than purchase them.

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