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Should I Consider Online DVD Rental?

Is the old fashioned movie rental store dying a slow painful death? If you look at the direction the modern world is traveling at the moment you will soon realize that we are getting lazier, we are after more value for money and we want to save time. That is the main reason people like you and me are turning to online dvd rental. The operators of these dvd rental sites are able to provide us; the customer with irresistible savings as they don’t have to worry about the overheads associated with a traditional store front and in turn can pass the savings on to us.

Look at it this way if you were to go and hire 4 dvds from your local video store over the period of a month you would have to fork out in the vicinity of around $24 plus the cost of traveling to the store etc. not to mention the late fees you are up for if you ‘forget’ to return them.

On the other hand if you were to sign up for a $19.95 per month membership, if you were smart you could have the ability to view more than 6 movies in the same time for cheaper. As long as you returned your dvd’s as soon as possible and kept your waiting list quew updated this is very achievable. Sure you might have to wait a little longer but hey if you can save a buck in the end why not.

-By: Rob Bogie

About The Author

For more free information regarding dvds and online rental take a look at our site [http://www.topdvdresources.com]

DVD – A Brief History

To many the dvd is a way of life these days, we use them to watch movies listen to music even both at the same time. dvd stands for ‘Digital Video Disc’ or ‘Digital Versatile Disc’ The dvd was first developed in the early 1990’s. Although the major technology players were at war with each other trying to develop the dvd it was IBM’s president, Lou Gerstner who was the middle man trying to brig the big companies together to prevent another VHS/Betamax war.

The outcome was the dvd as we now know it and it made its appearance in 1995. By November 1996 the first dvd player was on the market in Japan with the USA following on in March of 1997. Europe followed in 1998 with Australia having it first taste of dvd’s in 1999. It wasn’t long before dvds started to appear in shops and department stores with the first units selling for more than $600. As soon a more and more people began to purchase discs and familiarize themselves with the new concept it wasn’t long before the price of players began to fall and most houses began to invest in the new tech wave.

The first move to be released in dvd was ‘Twister’ in 1996, this soon followed by other major movie productions and now it is the baseline for movie rental. Speaking of movie rental, by 2003 dvd rental had out weighed VHS rental hands down and it was from this point on that we started seeing VHS videos cleared from the shelves like it was going out of fashion.

The limits of the dvd are endless and we have only seen the beginning! Stay tuned for our next part of the history of the dvd.

-By: Rob Bogie

About the Author

Have you seen [http://www.topdvdresources.com] Head on over to discover loads of free articles, info and news on dvds.

Blockbuster Vs. Netflix

movie rental Comparison: Blockbuster vs. Netflix

Maybe it’s just me, but I’m more old school when it comes to renting dvds. I decided to give Netflix a try not too long ago, but I was kind of hesitant at first. The reason being is because when I want to watch a movie, I want to watch it now. I don’t want to have to wait a day or two twiddling my thumbs waiting for a movie to arrive in my mailbox that I’m itching to see.

To me, when it’s time for Blockbuster to take on Netflix in the movie rental ring, I think Blockbuster video delivers the knockout blow. The reason I favor Blockbuster so much more than Netflix is because when I see a commercial advertising the newest dvd release of a movie I just have to see, I got to run to Blockbuster video, grab me a copy, not worry about late fees and return it once I’m done viewing it.

Now I’m not dissing Netflix, because they do have a very cool premise to themselves. I like the fact that you get to keep the dvd for as long as you want, you just can’t get another dvd until you return the one you already have. And I like the plans they have for certain amount of dvds to rent at a given time. But I’m just not too crazy about ‘mailing’ back a dvd after watching it, then waiting for them to receive the dvd before I can get another one.

With Blockbuster it’s so simple: You got a craving to watch a movie, you call up Blockbuster to see if it has a copy, and odds are it does as it has the largest selection of dvds anywhere compared to other video store chains locally, you pick the movie up, you keep it for as long as you want without worrying about late fees. It’s the golden answer to my dvd viewing as far as I’m concerned.

So I give Blockbuster the nod when it compares to Netflix. Even though Netflix doesn’t sound half bad, nothing beats the local selection at my local Blockbuster. Netflix, go towel off, because you’re not bad at all, but when it comes to facing Blockbuster, to me, you don’t have a fighting chance.

-By: Jake Addison

Motivational writer Jake Addison approaches his movie reviews in a urban minded way. Jake has written thousands and thousands of movie reviews. The way he covers the pro’s and con’s of each movie is truly amazing. So before you think about watching your next movie, take time out the read over Jake

Rent Films – The Disadvantages

Films rental is taking the internet by storm, over the last couple of years a real increase in movie rental from online sources has been seen. In this article I am going to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of online dvd rental.

As for the disadvantages, I can’t really find any as it clearly better than renting in store in every way possible it has so many advantages it would be impossible to discuss them all in one article, however I will cover some of the main points so you can get an idea of the rental business.

A main advantage I have noticed is that while some shops are only open 9am to 5pm the internet is open all day every day and if you choose to you can rent movies at anytime you fancy online. The availability of the movies online is also excellent there are around ten times more movies to select and all of them will be in stock as you’re not renting from one place in particular but a collection of dvd warehouses, so your dvd will be in stock whenever you choose to rent it.

The price of renting a movie online is also 10 times better than simply buying a movie or renting in store. I found some great deals recently when researching for this article, one of them was a month’s free trial and after that you get to rent unlimited dvds for only 9.99 pounds a month which is a seriously low price when the cost to buy one single movie is greater than 9.99 pounds. I highly recommend to Rent Films and if you aren’t already doing so I recommend you do to.

-By: Ricky Davies

My Name Is Ricky, I love movies and love to write about them. I write for several movie review websites one of the sites I write for is http://www.mytvtalk.com if your looking for the latest movie reviews then I suggest you check out the site.

Video DVD Rental – Going to the Video Store is So 2009

Joe got home, took his shoes off and through his coat over the couch. He then proceeded to pull out his cell phone and check his messages. It was at this point that he realized the video dvd rental store called him yet again not only had the dvd that he had returned been late, but it wasn’t even in the case. To Joe this meant several things, first of his late fee was going to be doubled, second he was going to have to make a trip to back out in the blistering cold and lastly he realized that this whole video rental thing wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. Joe as well as hundreds of thousands of others and come to the realization that maybe it’s time to find a better way of going about the whole video dvd rental thing. We’re going to talk about several of the advantages online movie rental services possess over the traditionalist trip to the video store.

The first advantage that comes to anybody’s mind is a price. Going down to the video dvd rental store is going to cost you $5 dollars if you’re into a new release or at the least $2.50 if you’re buying something that’s been on the shelf for months already. If you’re like me and rent anywhere from 2 to 8 dvds a month then you’re spending anywhere from $10-$40 a month before taking in to consideration gas, late fees or your time. You can find online dvd rental stores that will rent two dvd a month allowing you to have out one at a time for 6 dollars a month. You could also get unlimited dvd rentals for the entire month for only $11 month. I spent $11 in a single trip to the video store after picking up a bag of gummy bears and some theater style popcorn. So cost is definitely a significant advantage to renting online versus going down to local Blockbuster.

Your second advantage to video dvd rental online is going to be selection. If you’re into independent films or film festival winners, then this is definitely the ticket for you. I’m sure you’ve had the experience of going down to the local rental store only to be told by the 17-year-old behind the counter that he’s never heard of that movie and that they don’t have it in stock. Will this never happen to you online, many online video dvd rental applications have over 100,000 videos in stock and available to you all the time.

Finally convenience, we’re all going to love this one, No More Late Fees! Maybe the best part of having a membership to an online video dvd rental site is the fact that you’ll never again have a late fee on your account. Remember that whole costing scenario at the beginning of this article? I’m sure many of you have spent $11 to rent one video after having late fees tacked on, for not having it back by 5 PM the following day.

The video dvd rental game has changed and Joe knew it was time for him to catch up, so after returning a dvd back to the rental store, paying his late fee and trotting back across town to his apartment he promptly got online and start looking for on line video dvd rental sites. Like Joe you’ll find that what you save in cost and makeup for in convenience will make you a believer in the fact that online video dvd rental is the way to go.

-By: Antone Bulman

Come in and search a database of more then 72000 movies, and growing. Check our online video dvd rental site; we’ve got more of the information you’re looking for at http://www.rentalservicesonline.com

Rent Films – Why Should I

Rather than buying all the latest or even classic movies I would advise you to rent films. After all who has enough money to buy all the films that come out every year for 15 pounds a time, I certainly don’t, that’s why I choose to rent movies.

movie rental is an awesome but simple process that is extremely useful, renting movies is very affordable and is a choice for millions and millions of people worldwide. The main reason why people tend to rent films is that the price they save from actually buying the movies is phenomenal. Another big advantage of renting rather than buying is that if you buy a movie that turns out to be rubbish then you’re stuck with it tough luck, however if you rent a movie and its terrible you can just return it, no harm done.

The best and biggest advantage of renting a dvd however is that with some companies if you join their movie rental club then you can rent unlimited games, dvds, movies for a set price which is usually less expensive or equal to the price you would pay for one movie, so you will be able to watch as many movies you would like for no hidden costs or fees. If you’re a film fan then this must appeal to you, after all who wouldn’t like to watch unlimited movies for a small fee each month, as a film fan these offers really appeal to me and that is why I highly recommend to Rent Films rather than buying them.

-By: Ricky Davies

My Name Is Ricky, I love movies and love to write about them. I write for several movie review websites one of the sites I write for is http://www.mytvtalk.com if your looking for the latest movie reviews then I suggest you check out the site.

What to Know About Renting Movies With Redbox

Many people rent dvd’s to watch with their family each day. Generally this is done at a movie rental place. Recently there is a way of renting movies from a vending machine known as Redbox.

What is Redbox?

Redbox is a vending machine that you can rent movies for $1 a night. These are found at a variety of places like at gas stations, fast food restaurants, and grocery stores. By using a credit card, you can get a movie quickly and easily from this machine.

There are many advantages to using this type of movie service over other things. First of all, it’s cheaper than most other movie rentals out there. One dollar for a movie is a very cheap price. This is better than the three or four dollars that most movie rentals cost.

There are codes that you can get online that will give you free movies for a day. You can use each one of your codes for each credit and debit cards that you have meaning you can use them more than once.

These machines are at many locations that you are already going to. This means that you won’t have to go out of your way to rent movies or take them back.

It has the same movies that you are going to find at any other place.

There are a few disadvantages of renting movies this way. First of all, the movies are always due by 9 pm the next day. If you don’t take it back, you are charge another $1.

Sometimes when trying to take back a movie, it’s frustrating to see that the machine is not working. This means you will have to find another location.

A few companies have a 28 day delayed release for Redbox. This means that you are going to have to wait four weeks where you could be renting that movie from another company earlier.

-By: Meera Puri

Meera does article writing. Find out more about Indoor Dryer Vent at her website about ==> Indoor Dryer Venting.

DVD Rentals – Who is Taking Marketshare From Netflix?

There’s no doubt about the fact that today’s world moves at a very quick pace. Until recently the de-facto heavy weight champions of home movie rentals were the likes of Hollywood and Blockbuster Video stores.

However, even the big guys can suffer when a new business model such as Netflix offers to pay to ship your movies straight to and from your home mailbox; you don’t even need to leave the house anymore. With something as convenient as home delivery, do you think there really could be something that could make things still easier for the consumer? If you think about it, services such as cable movies available on-demand are pretty darn convenient. If you’re not familiar with at home on-demand movies, maybe you have experienced it before at a hotel room; you can find a movie you want to watch, pay for it, and start watching it right away. Until the on-demand feature came out, the best you could do was a pay-per-view option which forces you, the viewer, to accommodate the scheduled start time of the movie, and you can’t pause it while it’s playing to watch the rest later.

In today’s ‘consumer comes first’ world, if you want to create something that cuts into a competitive industry, you better put the control into the hands of the viewer. When you look at the home dvd rental business, there is some new blood that is offering up some serious challenges, and many people didn’t even see it coming down the pike. What I’m talking about is an automated machine that you can rent movies from just as easy as you would buy a can of soda from a Coke machine.

The first company to venture into this world of renting dvds via a vending machine is called Redbox, and while they started somewhat slowly at first, they have had an incredible growth rate as of late. The initial concept that was hatched back in the early 2000’s (2002 to be exact), was barely more than a hair-brained, crazy idea. The launch was small, with only about 12 dvd vending machines. However, it didn’t take long for them to grow that almost a hundred fold to 900 machines in just 3 years. By the middle of 2009 they were adding a new kiosk at a rate of one every single hour of the day. When you look at vending machines, which have been around forever, from a new angle like these guys did, you can tell that they are capable of so much more than soda, coffee and gumballs!

-By: Paul Porter

If you would like to know more about vending machines in the current market, please visit http://vendingmachinesuppliers.net/

Watch, Rent, Or Download Movies Online at the iTunes Store

Since the introduction of VCRs some 20 years ago, we have enjoyed watching movies in the comfort of our homes. Blockbusters and similar video rental stores seemed to be available everywhere. We no longer had to go to the theaters to see full-length movies. We could go into the store, rent the movie, watch it at home as many times as we wanted, and return it by the due date.

Now with the availability of dvds, movies can be rented and returned through the mail. Netflix is one company that does this. You choose a monthly fee, which could be as low as $4.99 per month which entitles you to have one movie at a time. The most popular plan is $16.99 per month for 3 dvds at a time and watch movies instantly on your PC. There are no late fees or due dates. You go online and create a list and when you return the current movie you have they send you the next movie on your list. My daughter and her family love it. They are on a limited budget and find Netflix is less expensive than the local movie rental store. They get excited with each new rental they receive. What a ingenious idea, no more late fees or rushing to video store to beat the weekend crowds.

Now we have gone one step further. I went to the iTunes Store where movies, television shows, music videos, podcasts, applications, and video games have been added to the extensive iTunes Store’s catalog. This cataloge includes content from 20th Century Fox, Warner Bros., Walt Disney Pictures, paramount Pictures, Universal Studios, and Sony Pictures Entertainment. Users can rent and download movies, then watch them for a short time rather than having to buy them. These movies are transferable to all sixth generation iPods. With Apple TV software you can rent and watch movies right from you wide-screen TV with no computer required. With iTunes there is no more driving to the video store or waiting for dvds to arrive in the mail. I rented a movie for my 3 year old grandson and he loved watching it with me on my computer.

If you enjoyed the movie you just rented, and want to make it a permanent fixture in your digital collection you can purchase it. The iTunes Store has thousands of movies available for purchase. If you purchase a select dvds you can get a free digital copy that can be watched on iPod or iPhone and when and where you want. I will be purchasing my dvds from iTunes, it is so convenient and the prices were right.

-By: Pamela Gill

I am a mother of two daughters and one son, with eleven grandchildren. As a baby boomer I find myself behind the times. My children, and in some instances my grandchildren, know more than I do about computer and internet technology. I have decided to explore the world that is available to us through use of the internet and our computers. At Sarah’s Technology Center, it is my hope to share with others like me what I find and how to incorporate it into our daily lives. Visit http://sarahs-technology-center.blogspot.com/ today.

Death Of The DVD – Are Video Rentals A Thing Of The Past?

Don’t we all have fond memories of renting movies at Blockbuster? Our family would schedule movie night, pop in some buttery microwave popcorn, and rent the latest dvd of choice. My sister and I would fight over who gets to pick the movie, and end up renting a chick flick that my dad has to sit through. But those memories seem to be a thing of the past. With the steady decline of Blockbuster Video sales in the past few months, reports have shown that they are finally filing for bankruptcy this September. Is this finally the death of the dvd?

This was not the first scare in the past years. In the late 1980s and the uprise of cable channels like HBO and Cinemax, the chitchat among tech experts and publicists were predictions about the end of the video retail world. People were going to prefer getting cable television than go out and rent a movie, but that didn’t really materialize.

And then came the Internet. It first started with the decline of CD sales due to the Napster era, when online music downloads posed an imminent threat to the largest music stores. It trickled over to the video retail scene in the late 90s by means of DivX, an online compression technology that allowed users to download their favorite movies in high quality. Discussion forums and threads were bustling with predictions about the decline in sales for the movie rental businesses, but the retail industry crept back up and people were enjoying their much needed Blockbuster fix.

But here comes another threat: Netflix and Gamefly, online service offerings that provide flat rate dvd through rent-by-mail and streaming capabilities. Just recently, Netflix celebrated their 2 millionth user. This is even discounting RedBox, a kiosk-based dvd rental business that lets anyone rent movies for a dollar overnight. Blockbuster strived to compete against these emerging businesses by launching Blockbuster On Demand and select kiosks, but looks like their feeble attempts have not been very successful.

Blockbuster’s claim is that the announced bankruptcy will last for only a couple of months, but technology experts state otherwise. The former number one video retail store has already closed out hundreds of stores and launched thousands of kiosks across the country.

Not that we have seen a decline in the movie industry. In fact, millions of people have started to watch more movies than they’ve ever had for the past few years. Returns from films show that it is up by a couple hundred millions this year, and people still enjoy watching the latest films in movie houses. The movie industry is booming, but we don’t know for certain if the next few months will predict the conclusion of the hope that was given to video retail stores nationwide.

Major film studios such as Universal, Sony, Walt Disney, Fox, paramount and Warner Brothers have agreed to discuss this with Blockbuster’s CEO Jim Keyes, but we don’t know what the future holds for them. If Blockbuster can act quickly and provide competitive advantage to a world of music downloads, video streaming and kiosk convenience, then the impending death of the dvd may not be realized soon.

-By: Dominic Bartalino

Dominic is really liking Chang beer lately. Take a look at his most recent website featuring cheap Urban Decay and finding the best deals on cosmetics at http://CheapUrbanDecay.com/.

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