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Chase Freedom Cash Visa Signature Credit Card Announced

The Chase Freedom Cash Visa Signature card is the only cash back credit card to offer triple rewards for every $1 spent based on your spending patterns. This card is a continuation of the Chase Freedom card, the first reward credit card to offer consumers the ability to choose between cash back or reward points. Consumers will continue to enjoy the flexibility of choosing cash back or reward points, but with the added benefit of earning maximum benefits in categories determined by their spending habits.

The Chase Freedom Cash card features Chase’s patent-pending technology that automatically adjusts rewards based on the cardholders spending habits. Cardholders will receive triple rewards, regardless of spending patterns, in the top three of the following fifteen categories:

* gas stations/convenience stores;

* grocery stores;

* department stores;

* drug stores;

* fast food and quick service restaurants;

* movie theaters;

* movie rentals;

* dry cleaners;

* health clubs

How Long Until We Are Connected To The Internet Everywhere We Go? Wi Fi On Trains In Boston

With the introduction of SmartPhones over the last several years the public has grown accustomed to being connected to the Internet 24 hour a day 7 days a week. Well most of the public anyhow. There is still a large numbers of people in the United States that have little or no access to the Internet.

Boston Massachusetts is introducing Wi-Fi to public transportation. January 30th 2008 will launch a new era for the Internet. Wi-Fi on Trains. Yes Boston is implementing a Wi-Fi experiment on one of it’s commuter trains between Worcester and Boston line. The Framingham/Worcestor line is one of the busiest in the system carrying millions of people to and from work every year.

As one of the first services of its kind on commuter rail trains in the U.S., our free T Wi-Fi Commuter Rail Connect test program will strive to provide free Internet access for your laptop, cell phone, PDA or Wi-Fi enabled device. In fact, any commuter rail customer riding in a coach participating in the free T Wi-Fi Commuter Rail Connect Test Program may be able to access the Internet via their enabled laptop and Wi Fi enabled device.

Will this be a everyday thing with in the next year? We can only hope. Boston dose too. This idea was introduced in June 2007 in Boston and the idea took of. The city of Boston has always been known for bad cell service and going Wireless has been a priority for some time now. If this works out we could be seeing Wi-Fi on all public transportation systems around the US within the next couple years. This is the best news for the Internet in some years. Boston has also begun introducing cellular and Wi Fi antennas in it’s subway tunnels. You will be able to download movies from the new iTunes movie rental service right on the subway before you know it. Or even live VCast TV For Verizon Users.

Thank of it. It was only a few years ago that there were these huge video game looking thing in public places to get online. What was it $1 a minute or something.Times have changed and fast. From the pay phone to the Internet on public transportation in about 15 years. Ware will we be in 15 more year? Wi Fi embedded in our brains or inner ear.

-By: William Grant

I have been writing articles and blogs on the Internet for 7 years now. Enzine has given me a place to write meaningful and pertainant Articles to suit my Internet interests and keep me engaged. I write about technology and gadgets like the Newest Apple Iphone, and the new Verizon Droid Soon we won’t be able to leave our homes without some kind of technology. Embrace it I am.

Microsoft Xbox 360 Dashboard Update New Xbox Experience NXE

OK, I’ve had some time to sit down and finally check out the NXE or New Xbox Experience. I was first greeted by a group of Microsoft’s promised avatars and my first impression on this was that I was actually creating a pseudo representation of myself for my Xbox Live friends to associate with and I have to say, Its great! Avatars are a great addition to the Xbox Live experience. I did not need to sign into Xbox Live to create my avatar though i did have to login to Xbox Live to download the update.

After creating the pimp version of myself I was presented with a fresh new Xbox Live dashboard which at first didn’t feel like I thought it would. Though it only took me a few minutes to get my bearings on the new navigation mechanics. The feeling reminds me of the old style dashboard but if it was opened up with a fresh coat of paint.

Once I had customized my new theme with an awesome city backdrop and checking out how my friends avatars turned out. It was time to checkout the new Netflix feature, oh yea! Netflix on the Xbox360 is like having a movie rental store inside the Xbox360. I chose to pay the $8.99 a month for the smallest plan which offers 1 physical movie out with unlimited instant plays online just to try it out (It comes with a free trial period but you still have to give them your CC information.

Netflix on my Xbox360 was the main hype for me wanting to get this update, the avatars ware awesome, the new look is great at least and the many of smart little functions that Microsoft has added make it a solid feeling while zooming around your Xbox. Of course there has to be something wrong right? I mean, it is Microsoft after all, well. There were no real interruptions during my experience so far except for the first 30 minutes I was exploring, I started getting bombarded with “service unavailable” messages but I’m betting that’s cause of the sheer amount of people who probably skipped chores and work to get this, or maybe I’m alone on that one. heh.

The Xbox360 in my home is the center of all entertainment aside from browsing YouTube (Browser please!) So with the addition of Netflix, the new interactive avatar and spiffy looking interface have only strengthened my satisfaction with the console. I’ve personally owned all three of the mainstream consoles (Xbox, PS3, Wii) but honestly, the Xbox360 is at least to me the current king of entertainment. Don’t think of me a Xbox360 fanboy, I enjoy whatever gives me the best experience. After all, I didn’t enjoy being overcharged for a console that technically is of no use until 2010 or a console that feels like its whole marketing strategy is a huge gimmick, I chose the console that proudly wares their BSOD shirts and knows all about the three finger salute not because I hate PS3 (I love Metal Gear and plan on buying a Ps3 for that game) But because Xbox360 has actual funding for their online experience so it is obviously a richer experience.

If you’d like feel free to add me to your Xbox Live friends list, my gamertag is Massphrossen.

-By: Jeremy James Womack

JW’s PC Tips – http://www.jwpctips.com

iPod Nano and Other Top MP3 Players

The iPod Nano is broadly considered to be the most famous MP3 player in the recent times. It comprises of a super slim, elegant design along with a vivid, photo-friendly display. It is very simple to control and it functions flawlessly with the iTunes Music Store, which encompasses the planet’s largest collection of melody. It possesses a speedy system performance and a quick processor with non-skip feature; all of these are possible because of its flash memory.

In spite of all the unique features, the iPod Nano endures from restrained battery life. Moreover although the gadget is tough, it gets scratches quite easily and marks become even more noticeable on the black model. The iPod Nano is costly according to the gigabytes per dollar rate. Besides its utmost capacity is 4GB which is not at all considered an excellent match for various power users. The iPod Nano player contains several innovative and interesting features; however it doesn’t operate along with Camera Connector. Lastly the iPod Nano MP3 player box does not include USB power adapter which costs about $29 and has to purchased separately.

Other two top MP3 players in the recent times are the Zune HD (32GB-platinum) and Sony X-Series Walkman (16GB). The Zune HD consists of a radiant OLED display screen, movie rentals, extensive battery life, HD Radio tuner and rental music incorporation. All of these have helped it to gain immense popularity across the globe.

On the other hand Sony X-Series Walkman is rated best for its most outstanding handy video and music experiences that money can ever buy. Owing to its exceptional sound quality, built-in noise-canceling feature, numerous smart music categorization options and the presence of an S-Master digital amp, the Sony X-Series Walkman is definitely considered to be an excellent alternative for music enthusiasts. The Sony MP3 player also contains a podcast support, a Slacker Internet Radio and a FM tuner.

You can pick any of these three reliable gadgets depending on your requirements and preferences.

-By: Todd Hathfield

Todd is a keen music fan and has recently been reviewing a lot of mp3 players. He is generally interested in all mp3 players but particularly likes the MP3 Player 8GB models. He reviews many MP3 electronics systems in his latest website.

Be the perfect gift-giver this holiday season with these fabulous Secret Santa gift ideas!

Be the perfect gift-giver this holiday season with these fabulous Secret Santa gift ideas!

Christmas is just around the corner, and with it comes the inevitable Secret Santa gift exchanges. But what exactly is a Secret Santa gift exchange? Well, just in case you’ve been living on Mars, a Secret Santa gift exchange is generally used when a large group of people, such as coworkers, large families or a group of friends, wish to exchange gifts. Everyone’s name is written down and thrown into a hat, and then each person draws a name. The name you draw is the person you will anonymously give a gift to. There is also usually a price cap attached to the gift exchange.

There are lots of great ideas for Secret Santa gifts. It’s more helpful if you know something about the person you’re gifting, but even if you don’t there are still lots of things you can give. And unless you really know the person well, it’s best to stay away from gag gifts. Just because you have a phenomenal sense of humor doesn’t mean everyone does!


A universally appreciated gift, chocolate works equally well as a gift for someone with a sweet tooth or someone you don’t know very well. Choose a nice box from Godiva, Ghirardelli, Lindt or any other quality chocolatier.

Gift Cards

Repeat after me: everyone loves a gift card. Walmart. Target. iTunes. Starbucks. Barnes

Ways to Save Money in an Expensive Country

Can Work Life Flexibility Make You a Better Conversationalist?

Do people consider you shy and quiet? Laid back, chilled out, or the strong silent type?

Ever felt anxious, or maybe just unenthusiastic about conversing in a group? Sometimes, when we’re out mingling, we simply have nothing to say. We can’t talk about the way one of our family members drove us nuts on the phone last night. We don’t want to discuss all that dieting we’ve been doing, or that the gutters need cleaning.

The tense situation at work, and your grim state of financial affairs? Not appropriate for cocktail hour. If you find yourself at a loss for words, it may be a sign of more than just shyness. In fact, maybe you’ve heard the expression “You need to get out more.” Some take that as an insult … but it’s actually excellent advice.

Think about the people you know who really shine in a social setting. They’re great storytellers, and they know how to instantly connect with others. And there’s also something else about them. They’ve got things to talk about! When you hear about their latest adventures, your life seems droll and monotonous in comparison. It’s depressing, right? So then change it!

Here are some activities you can partake in that are guaranteed to whet your appetite for conversation… and for living!

Fit a weekly movie into your schedule.

You don’t have to spring for a full-price ticket or the latest Blockbuster. There’s plenty showing on cable, not to mention movie rentals and dvds that you can add to your permanent collection. When was the last time you sat down (not fell asleep!) and really lost yourself in a great film? Or, how about a little variety? If you’re a comedy person, switch it up and watch whatever’s playing on the Independent Film Channel this week. Even if the movie turns out to be a bomb, you’ll have an opinion to express.

Hop in the car and just GO.

You don’t have to battle traffic into the big city… chances are there’s probably at least one quaint little town within a ten-mile radius that’s worth seeing. If the weather is nice, why not play hooky and just spend your day taking in the local culture? Even “Podunk” towns have historic landmarks and museums, curious folklore and other weird-isms that might make for good party chatter.

Attend a concert or show.

How many times have you sat next to someone who’s all about the latest broadway show, and you have no idea what they’re talking about? Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it. Even if you think that something like opera wouldn’t be your cup of tea, it never hurts to just venture off the beaten path every now and again. You might pick up a new pastime… or, you might decide to tell everyone “I never want to hear another show tune for the rest of my life!” The point is, you won’t know until you try it out.

Jet off to another country for a week.

Have you always wanted to run barefoot through the rolling hills of Ireland? Dine in an outdoor cafe in Venice? Or, if going abroad is just too much to think about… how about Maryland or Cape Cod during the summer, California wine country, Las Vegas or the Deep South? Still too much? How about bed and breakfast down the shore or up in the mountains, any time of year? You can always find a deal online for air travel or lodging. Check out Travelocity or venture into your local travel agent’s office to find out what kind of rates you can get.

Do something you wouldn’t normally do.

Think that kayaking and river rafting is “over the top?” Or is sky diving the next step up for you? Figure out what you’d like to try out. Spelunking? Rock climbing? (Even if it’s the wall at the gym!) Find a buddy or bring together a small group and head out for a weekend adventure. Or even if you’re not the daredevil or nature buff type… just do something out of the ordinary like refurbishing an old, antique piece of furniture or fixing up a classic car. Who knows… your dabbling effort might just become a cherished hobby one day.

Not wanting to talk because you’re introverted is one thing. But have you ever thought that you’d have more to say if you learned to balance your life better? Work/life flexibilty is a challenge for most people. Our jobs and families take up the majority of our time, with social and personal responsibilities close on their heels. But when life becomes so monotonous that we have absolutely nothing to say… take that as a sign. It’s time to get out more!

-By: David Bohl

Lifestyle Mentor, Personal Coach, Author, Educator, and Entrepreneur, David B. Bohl is the creator of Slow Down FAST. To learn more about this step-by-step strategy for Living YOUR Life YOUR way, and to sign up for his 9 FREE Tips for Finding Happiness in a Fast-Paced World, free teleseminars, free Special Report, free bi-monthly ezine and more, go to: http://www.SlowDownFAST.com

XBOX Live – The Best Online Service in Gaming

The gaming landscape has drastically changed in the last few years with the introduction of online gaming in the console realm. Online gaming was previously just reserved for the PC with games like Starcraft and Diablo breaking the mold. Now, that has all changed with all three major consoles having their own flavor of an online gaming offering. With the competition being so tough, companies are ramping up the features to stand apart in the online gaming landscape. Here are a few reasons Microsoft is leading the pack over Sony and Nintendo with XBOX Live.

#1 – The Most Subscribers

XBOX Live is dominating the competition in terms of number of users. As of this writing, XBOX Live has reached over 25 million users. The most important aspect to keep in mind is that these users are paying users unlike Playstation Network and the Wii which are free services. So while the Playstation Network may have more subscribers because it is free, a large percentage do not take advantage of the online experience. If you are paying for the service, you are much more likely to use it. This leads to larger multi-player lobbies for each game.

#2 – Community Events

XBOX Live gives you the opportunity to compete with other users in free games that are offered over the network for prizes. Popular TV game show, 1 vs. 100, is now an XBOX Live exclusive game where you compete with other users for free games and other prizes. XBOX Live also offers the popular movie rental service Netflix. With any Netflix account you can now stream movies directly through your XBOX 360 to your TV without having to wait a couple days for the dvd to be delivered. Have a friend that wants to watch a movie with you but on separate TV across the country? They can tap into the live stream of the movie as well.

-By: Hugo Widmore

The best part of all of this? You can get an XBOX 360 for free and try it out at no cost. Click Here to get a gaming system of your choice ABSOLUTELY FREE!

What Is The Best Free Media Player?

Since the debut of the iPod there has been a war going on. A secret, stealthy war that we’ve all been apart of, in fact, we’re the prime targets of this war. On the outside, the iPod is just a nice, expensive MP3 player. On the inside, it is a device that is used to direct our attentions to Apple’s music store and Apple’s media player software, known as: Itunes. Shortly after the iPod was released Microsoft began developing it’s own kind of monster. They dubbed it the Zune. It was alot like the iPod, but it had more functionality, though everyone liked the iPod, because they all already had one. The Zune tried to persuade it’s listeners to use Microsoft’s media player software, Windows Media Player. And then there was one more faction at the heart of this war, collaborating between the two, trying to get them to work together in one single, slightly non-commercialized package, Winamp.

Now what side are you going to be on in this war? Are you going to be using Windows Media Player 11, iTunes 7, or Winamp 5.52. We’re going to take this decision and make it a lot easier for you in this comparative analysis of each of the best media player software out there by listing the features, pros, and cons, and overall ease of use of each media player.

iTunes 7

The latest version of iTunes is 7.6 and it was released on January 15th, 2008. It’s Apple’s main free media player software, and it features the iTunes Store, easy syncing to your computer and your iPod, Cover Flow, encode music into a variety of formats, and it also has a big selection of internet radio stations to listen to. It has a really easy to use user interface, everything is at your finterips, and your iPod syncs with the software automatically. Though, I found the iPod syncing a little annoying, because typically it just loads up your iPod with everything it can find in your Music Library, and it doesn’t make it very easy to pick tracks to exclude. Also the fact that it just does it automatically everytime I plug in my iPod makes it really annoying, I’d rather have it wait for me to tell it when to sync. The iTunes Store is something that Apple is especially proud of because you can buy over 2 million songs for only $0.99 each, you can also purchase movies for your iPod, and they’ve just released their movie rental program that seems promising.


  • Cover Flow is a cool way to look through your music.
  • The iTunes store has a huge database of songs, movies, and TV series for you to download.
  • Many internet radio stations for you to check out


  • I find the automatic syncing of the iPod a little annoying
  • Typically only has good MP3 player support for the iPod, if you have a different MP3 player you’re on your own.

Windows Media Player 11

Windows Media Player 11 is Microsoft’s answer to a fully capable media player. It has a less cluttered user interface than WMP10 and the look has been smoothed out so it looks alot nicer than it did before. It features the typical audio, video, media playback, visualizations, MP3 player syncing, good organized library with CD ripping capabilities. You can also connect it to your Xbox 360 to pull songs and videos from your PC to your 360 which is an amazing feature to have so instead of wasting space on your Xbox, and having multiple copies of your favorite songs everywhere just stream it from your PC while you’re playing your favorite 360 game. It’ll also stream videos so you can watch them from your PC on your TV. This feature alone is something worth checking out WMP11 for, however you can still do this if you don’t have Windows Media Player by using Windows Media Connect software available at Microsoft’s Website.


  • Ability to connect your Xbox 360 to your PC for media sharing and streaming
  • Spiffy new interface to keep things looking fresh


  • The format support isn’t as good as other programs
  • Need a genuine copy of Windows to use it


There’s something about saving the best for last that makes it all worth while. Winamp is the original ultimate media player, and has been around since ancient times. You can do just as much as the other media players with Winamp, and more. It can sync to your iPod and other PlaysForSure devices. Also comes with visualizations, and extremely easy and good to organize library system. The ability to remove duplicate files from your library. Also features a new skin to keep up with times in their latest release. Winamp also has plugin functionality and a wide database of plugins on their main website. Winamp also has the functionality of connecting to your Xbox 360 and letting you stream music from it, however the system is still in it’s beta, and doesn’t work as flawlessly as it should when it’s ready for a stable release. But instead of just being able to stream your music and videos, it has the ability to take the best of the best from YouTube, AOL Videos and many more video websites and display them on your TV via your 360. That, I think is an impressive feature to have. The only downside is the ripping capability in the free version of Winamp. If you don’t have the pro version, the quality and speed of the ripping is hardly worth waiting for, you’d be better off finding another program for ripping through a google search rather than dealing with that. But if you shell out the cash for the pro version the ripping is well worth it, because it has the ability to rip it into practically any format you want, and any quality you desire.


  • Easy to manage your music library
  • Many streaming video and radio channels to choose from
  • Ability to connect to your Xbox 360 and stream videos and music to it
  • Easy iPod syncing


  • Touchy software, sometimes crashes while doing random things like loading up your iPod or ripping a CD
  • Bad ripping performance until you purchase the Pro version

So there you have it. Each media player has it’s pros and cons, there is no one solution, but whatever you prefer, iTunes is for the common iPod audience, WinAmp is for the music power users, and Windows Media Player 11 is suitable for the rest in between.

-By: Steven Stoddard

Steve’s Tech Guide [http://stevestechguide.com] – A blog that helps you scratch your tech itch with computer guides, informative how-tos, and important news events.

Your Window of Opportunity With a Vizio L37

When you buy a Vizio L37 television, not only do you get a stunning real life quality picture from the LCD display but you also get to enjoy features that are commonly found on models that sell for thousands of dollars more than the Vizio. If you are the type of person who enjoys watching the newest movies on dvd with a quality picture and home theatre surround sound then this is the television for you. Most televisions with half of the features that the Vizio has are selling for several thousand dollars more.

Do you know many people who have a crystal clear and stunning 37 inch television that they are also able to hook up to their computer or laptop in order to use it as a computer monitor? Chances are that you do not know anybody with this capability. If personally, I do not know anybody besides myself that is able to do this with their television. It is almost two amazing to even describe since some online movie rental websites offer movies that could be instantly downloaded directly to your computer. You can now enjoy those movies without having to use software or hardware. It might even sounds too good to be true.

The Vizio L37 is a perfect size for almost any room in almost any home. We personally have one of them in the family room and another one in our bedroom. Nothing beats lying in bed beside my beautiful life and be able to watch crystal clear picture from the comfort of my bed. If you’re looking for a new television and you want to be able to enjoy great home theatre system than the Vizio L37 is your best option.

-By: Sally Goldbeck

Sally Goldbeck specializes in extensive reviewing of all LCD TVs. If you wish to learn more about vizio l37 then why not take some time to check out her blog at lcdtvnetwork.com?

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