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Creative Marketing Ideas

The following creative marketing ideas are specifically about finding new places and ways to advertise. This has always been an area ripe for new ideas. What prompted me to write this page is an article I recently read on a company called Show Media.

Show Media has advertising displays on top of 3,000 taxis in New York. They charge client (which include Levis, Nike and other big companies) $200 per month for each ad, and they pay $100 to the cab company. That leaves enough room for healthy profits. Founder Laurence Hallier says that a typical campaign, which would cost $40,000 per month for exposure on 200 taxis, is seen by 25% of the city’s residents – each day.

That got me to thinking about what other creative marketing ideas and opportunities are out there in the area of advertising. The following is a short list I am coming up with as I write this. Some of these may already exist.

Street Signs – In these tough times, many cities are looking for additional revenue. Could placing advertising on street signs provide it? In addition to providing monthly revenue, the company that arranges this might have to make new signs for the city, saving it this cost.

Personal Car Ads – I know this is being done in some areas already. What is needed is a simple system. Have a place where a driver can pull in, have a sign attached to his or her car, and get a check for keeping it there for six months.

Kite Ads – In areas with consistent breezes it might be possible to have kites flying most of the day with large ads on them. Beaches are a natural location, but this may work in other places as well.

Sidewalk Audio Advertising – As people walk by certain locations an ad automatically plays. Advertisers could be charged by the number of times an ad plays (getting a good deal when more than one pedestrian happens to be there to hear it). Another angle here is to sell the units to specific businesses. A restaurant might have a recording that is triggered by each passer-by, saying something like, “Hello, come on in right now and you’ll get a free drink with your sandwich.”

Yard Sign Advertising – I’m not sure about the legality of this in most places, but many yards have signs supporting political candidates or announcing that some company just replaced the windows or did the landscaping, so why not have paid advertising? Residents get a monthly check for each sign, and advertisers pay twice that, leaving room for a profit for the company that does this.

Mural Advertising – This one might be an opportunity for a budding artist. He could find a building that is ugly and ask the owner how much he would want to have a nice advertising mural on it. Then he could find advertisers who will pay enough to leave him with a decent profit. The owner of the building might have to get final approval on the planned mural and agree to leave it there for a couple years.

Odor Advertising – Have the smell of fresh cooked food pumped onto busy sidewalks, alongside a sign or audio ad promoting a restaurant.

Advertising With Plants – Bushes could be trimmed into the shape of a company logo. Flower beds could be planted with logos or even in the shape of words for advertising. Cornfields near airports could have ads cut into them to be seen by plane passengers above.

Marketing Games – A company might get word-of-mouth advertising by making it into a contest or game. Participants sign up online and get a number which they give out with their recommendation. The person who has referred the most customers after a year wins a big prize.

dvd Ads – There is already advertising for other movies IN dvd movies, but what about on the box that the dvd comes in. I’m not referring to the one that it is sold in. Many movie rental stores have their own blank boxes that they send out all of their movies in. Could they sell advertising on those? It could be for local products or services (a restaurant, for example), or products available nationally.

Those are the ten creative marketing ideas that I could think of in the forty-five minutes it took to write this. You can probably add a few to the list with a bit of brainstorming.

-By: Steven Gillman

Copyright Steve Gillman. Learn more Ways To Make Money, and get the free Unusual Ways (To Make And Save Money) Newsletter, plus e-courses and ebooks, at: http://www.UnusualWaysToMakeMoney.com

Convenience Store Racks – Where Else Can You Use Them?

Despite their name, convenience store racks or, c-store racks – which are generally the tall floor display racks you see in businesses like gas stations and other convenience stores – are actually ideal tools for displaying both food and nonfood items in numerous retail establishments.

Convenience Store Racks Work For Many Businesses

Simply put, you don’t have to manage a gas station or any other type of convenience store in order to need a c-store rack or two. These racks are helpful in a variety of retail settings, making it easier for storeowners to organize and display merchandise and convenient for customers to view and select the items they need.

Consider these examples of how convenience store racks can benefit your business:

  • Gift Shops and Other Specialty Shops: Gift shops and specialty shops can use these display racks to showcase nonfood merchandise like collectible figurines, stuffed toys, and craft items as well as any food products they sell such as gourmet candy.
  • Bookstores: To display their books, magazines, and videos, bookstores generally use large shelves built into their walls or lined up as aisles throughout the store, but they can use c-store racks to display items like stationary sets, calendars, and gift sets. Also, some bookstores provide areas where customers can read the books they’ve purchased, and sometimes these areas include quick snacks. These bookstores can use convenience store racks to display food items like candies and bottled soda or water.
  • Pharmacies/Drug Stores: Pharmacies have never been just places for people to fill prescriptions. These kinds of businesses sell an assortment of items and can use convenience store racks to display hygiene and other personal products like shampoos, soaps, lotions, and grooming kits; medical supplies such as diabetes testing supplies, blood pressure cuffs and monitoring supplies, and post-surgery products; and even food items like bags of chips, candy bars, bubblegum, and cases of soda.
  • Hotels/Motels: C-store racks are great for organizing and displaying food items in the snack or dining areas, but they’re also useful for holding items hotel and motel guests often expect like magazines and newspapers. And, because many hotel and motel patrons are traveling through areas they’re not familiar with, you can use these display racks to hold convenience items like travel guides and brochures and local area and state maps.
  • Movie Theaters: You probably can’t think about visiting a movie theater without also thinking about the delicious aroma of buttery popcorn! While they keep their popcorn fresh and hot in a popcorn machine, movie theaters can use convenience store racks to display other snacks like boxes and bags of candies such as Mike

Here’s a Few Family Activity Ideas That Won’t Break the Bank

These days, everyone is trying to save money, so that makes is a little difficult when planning a fun night with the family. Restaurants are nice, but for a family of four, even a cheaper restaurant can end up getting pricey. Movies used to be a cheap thing to do, but nowadays a family of four can end up spending sixty dollars or more on a trip to the theater. With a little creativity though, you will find that there are quite a few cheaper alternatives to spend quality time with your family that won’t break the bank.

Instead of going to a restaurant, how about preparing some food at home then bringing it out on a picnic? Kids love going to the park, which is also free, so make some sandwiches and bring chips and sodas out where they have picnic tables and your whole family will have a blast while at the same time saving a nice chunk of change.

As mentioned before, taking your family out to the movies can get pretty expensive nowadays. With the money you spend on a year of going out to the movies, you can actually buy yourself a pretty nice TV and dvd player. Television technology is amazing these days, and with the big screens that are available, you can virtually create the movie theater experience right in your own home. Online movie rental services are a great bargain, and now dvd vending machines are becoming quite popular, where all new releases only cost a buck per night you keep it.

Besides the above ideas, there are a ton of hobbies that you can get your family into. Many families enjoy board games or doing puzzles at home, or if you’re in the mood to go outdoors, you can go fishing, camping or just find a nice park to shoot some hoops. If you use a little creativity, you’ll discover that there are endless ideas of fun things for you and your family to do, while saving money in the process.

-By: Elaina Ray

Elaina has enjoyed writing and blogging online for the past 2 years. She also creates informational websites about various topics that she is interested in. Check out one of her sites with some great information on white dinner plates and stoneware plates

Skip the Drive to ‘Town’ With Rural Satellite Internet Service

When you live in the middle of nowhere, one of the things that can be tough, can be dreaded and feared, and that can, in fact, be quite expensive, is often ‘going to town.’ If something is needed, something forgotten, something desired, the only way to get it is by motivating oneself to make the drive into the main urban center or town square nearest you. This goes double for movie rental stores. These places, in small towns and rural areas anyway, live off of late fees. These locales are not counting on renters forgetting to bring the tape back by 6pm the following day, but counting on the renter feeling the several dollar late fee is worth not getting dressed, driving 35 minutes each way, and spending $10 worth of gasoline to avoid. Luckily, today these video stores and their wily ways are mainly going under thanks to the ability to not only download, but stream, rent and transfer movies over the internet. There are no late fees, ever, when movies are findable online, and in fact after paying a small fee (or just downloading or transferring files from friends) the movie is your forever, in HD, and compactly fits onto an external hard drive for safe keeping. However, living in a rural area can also have the drawback that high speed terrestrial broadband internet is not yet available. While the main cables for such networks run through the middle of most towns now, often local providers do not go the extra mile to provide that ‘last mile’ service rural customers need. Instead, they must continue using dialup internet until more options come around.

Luckily for movie lovers who also enjoy the peace and quiet of rural America there is another option in the form of satellite internet broadband. For many years rural television watchers have been able to get all the best programming (let’s face it, even better than cable) with satellite TV, and now the same technology is being applied to broadcast satellite internet around the planet. The best part of satellite internet is that the download speeds are up to 50 times faster than with dialup internet, meaning that movies, music, programs, software, games and more can be downloaded in minutes instead of hours, days, or never, like with dialup. Sitting around all day babysitting a downloading file is no fun, and is in fact far worse than ‘driving into town.’ Stop living in the internet’s past, and get up to speed with high speed satellite internet.

It’s easy to get hooked up to satellite internet, and the installation professional even comes out to your house, wherever that may be, to get everything set up for you the right way the first time. Of course, there will always be reasons to go to town, but with high speed internet boredom or the need for modern media will never be one of them. Today, with high speed internet at one’s fingertips the entire world is accessible from the comfort of home!

-By: Harvey Markus

Enjoy great movies and fast downloading with direct tv wild blue on demand and broadband packages. Finding reliable rural internet service can be tough, so start looking up towards satellite broadband!

Little Things You Can Do to Save Money

Everyone is always looking for ways to save money that are easy and don’t require a major lifestyle change. The truth is, most money saving tips does require some effort and a little bit of a lifestyle change to accomplish, but saving money doesn’t have to be like pulling teeth. Here are some great, easy tips to help you save money and have fun doing it.

  1. Dinner and A Movie…In. This is an easy tip that could actually end up being your number one choice for the perfect date night. If you are used to eating out every weekend and you and your significant other practically live at the movie theater…this is the tip for you. A movie ticket runs anywhere between $7.00 to $9.00 per person depending on where you live, and dinner out can run anywhere from $30.00 to $50.00 per couple, so the quickest way to save money is by cutting that in half. A movie rental cost about $4.00 to $5.00 per movie, and you can purchase everything you need to make a fabulous dinner in for about $20.00-$25.00. Just do a search of fabulous recipes on a budget and you’ll be surprised what you will come up with to make a great dinner. If you can just commit to watching a movie and eating dinner at home, even one or two nights a week, you will be amazed at the savings, as well as, how it will improve your relationship.
  2. Picnic Lunch Date With Friends. Everyone loves to hang out with their friends, especially over great food. Instead of meeting the girls for lunch at a restaurant, why not have a picnic at a local park. Everyone agrees to bring something to share, and then you can all get together and enjoy the fresh air and each other’s company. When it cold outside, maybe you could move these gathering to someone’s house that is close by and easy access for everyone.
  3. Kick Your Driving Habit. Do you feel like your always running out for something? Well, why not commit to getting all your errands done in one trip! This will save you a ton on gas and time. By keeping a running list, you will be able to get everything done in one trip, and be able to really enjoy your down time once you actually get through your front door.
  4. The best way to save money is not to spend money at all! Look for things you can do that are still fun, but that don’t cost a cent other than the gas to get there. Go for a hike at a nearby state park, have your friends over for a game night, or volunteer at a local organization. These are all great ways to spend your time and save some real cash.

As you can see, these are only a few things you can do to save money. They are all easy to do, and you might even have some fun doing them. You will be amazed to find out that the statement, “quantity doesn’t equal quality”, is true when it comes to only doing things that cost money. By doing things that save you money or don’t cost money at all, you are increasing the quality of time you are spending with the people you care about.

-By: Jack Chary

Jack “the Clipper” (the coupon clipper) is a coupon hunter and manager of JacksCouponCodes.com.? He searches the net to find all the best money saving coupon codes and special offers to use when shopping online.? Check out the new discounts he just added featuring dvd Avenue codes.

Samsung UE46C7000, LED TV With Revolutionary Design

Samsung’s brand-new TV product, UE46C7000, delivers a revolutionary design in spite of our amazingly contemporary world of technological innovation, and it is one thing everyone has been expecting: 3D TV. Due to the introduction of three dimensional technology in 1953, movie lovers have seen various 3D motion pictures from within the walls of the city movie theater buildings. But with the launching of Samsung UE46C7000, a common viewers can savor the motion picture they adored when it was in the cinema, including the movies which were in three dimensional, without having to leave their house.

This brand new LED Television set is completely made possible for watching three dimensional movies as well as contains its own three dimensional wireless transmitter, meaning three dimensional will be displayed instantly.

It has enhanced online acceleration, link with the in-house Wi-Fi, and also enables audiences gain access to Internet @ TV, that provides owners the authority to several internet based product, like the BBC iPlayer and also the accessibility to hire films normally presented on the internet and load them from Lovefilm straight over to the TV inside your home.

BBC iPlayer is a television-internet media player which offers the chance to get up to date of up to a 7 days of previous BBC TV and radio programs. Lovefilm is a dvd movie rental business located in The UK that provides motion pictures that could be hired on the web for being watched on a laptop or computer. While using Samsung UE46C7000, those films are going to be accessible to view on the Television itself.

Furthermore, Samsung UE46C7000 links to Samsung’s Applications Collection, offering admittance to the Application shop to ensure they are available to view on the TV display. It’s also possible to attain PVR feature by applying a memory stick and / or a USB port: you just have to connect a portable tool and start saving TV shows directly onto it.

A typical PAL TV set adjusts the velocity of pictures at a level of 50 fps or 50 Hz. A person’s eye can often be sensitive of this kind of frequency, particularly when it’s dark; occasionally it notices a flicker on 50 Hz TVs. A 100 Hz TV displays 2 times the quantity of frames, however fast motion pictures can always seem to experience a small flicker. This TV set applies 200 Hz motion concept, providing fast-motion pictures with a clean, natural as well as fluid graphic, making sure that the image stays well-defined. Additionally, it includes a Freeview HD tuner, meaning owners get quick entry to HD stations quite easily.

It is furthermore prepared to display 2D films. Just how it produces the 3D image visualising for the viewers? Samsung makes use of a dynamic Shutter or Frame Sequential device. You need to purchase three dimensional watching eyeglasses independently in order to properly see three dimensional motion pictures.

These kind of eyeglasses function by quickly obstructing the left, and also the right eyesight to create the impression of depth in 3D for all viewers. They are available in 2 types: one runs using battery power, while the other is rechargeable. They’ve been authorized by the Eyeglasses Standardization Working Group of the Consumer Electronics Association.

Samsung announced the UE40C7000 in Britain recently. This TV features a 46 inch display screen instead of the 40 inch monitor launched in the United Kingdom.

-By: Muxin Hamed

More Samsung 3D LED TV reviews: UE46C7000, UE46C8000

Rent Playstation 3

To receive video games on rent delivered at your doorstep is a relatively new service that has seen a spurt in its operation in the recent months. As the Internet has brought almost everything within a few clicks of the mouse, the option to rent Playstation 3 games has become an easy way out to save money and yet enjoy the favorite games of yours. All you have to do is to visit the website of the particular video game rental service, select the titles available in their online library and request those titles to be delivered. In other words, these online video game rental services have evolved from the VCR and dvd movie rental services that you could remember seeing in your locality. Now-a-days, some traditional video stores such as Blockbuster offer video games on rent to the home users.

Gamefly.com is the leading name in the field of online game rental services. With a wide variety of games to choose from that includes PS2, PS3, Xbox 360, PSP, Xbox, GameCube, DS and GBA, Wii and other hot titles, this online store has about 6000 titles covering all platforms. Among the various gaming consoles where you can play games, Playstation 3 which had its first release in Japan on November 11, 2006 is the craze these days.

This home video game console is the most advanced among the others and had undergone several revisions in the available models since its first release. It is no wonder that the Playstation 3 games are considered the yardstick to judge how popular a particular video game given on rent is. If you are impressed with PS3 games after reading this and have decided to rent Playstation 3 games, you may have your pick from the following popular games:

Metal Gear Solid 4:

With an elegant online mode, over 70 weapons and unlockable rewards, this classic stealth-shooter game has a detailed plot and magnificent graphics. Once you have finished the basic single-player level, the quality of this game will keep you hooked for months. If you have ever appreciated a stealth game, a shooter, or a game packed with action, you should not miss this.

Grand Theft Auto 4:

With installations that speed up the loading screens along with superior quality graphics, this game is for those who would love to slam their fire trucks into dirt bikes.

Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune:

With fascinating level designs, lush scenes of the jungle and swashbuckling action that would even make the treasure-hunt of Indiana Jones or Lara Croft look like kids’ stuff, this game of Nathan Drake’s adventure is worth your money. You may even wait to rent some upcoming Playstation 3 games like The Agency (where the players can assume the position of secret agents), inFamous (an action title belonging to the sandbox category), Killzone2 (which allows one to play the role of a sci-fi shooter), God of War III (that is inspired by Greek mythology) or MAG: Massive Action Game (a multi-player shooter game that allows 256 players to play at the same time). So, rent Playstation3 games of your choice and have a great time playing them.

-By: Sonali Bose Sengupta

Perfect Prize Ideas for an 8th Grader’s Party Celebration

Buying the perfect prize for the 8th grader party celebration needs careful planning. However if you just show them the efforts you put in to let them have a wonderful time, they are likely to be an appreciative lot. Below are some prize ideas that you might like to consider.

CDs: Find out what type of music your child likes, if you do not know already. Find out from your kid what kind of music his or her friends like. Then, you may want to purchase a CD or a gift certificate to a music store.

Online music gift certificates: If you are not going to any music store you can also buy online music downloads, so that they can have additional music files to listen to. They can transfer those files to a mobile listening devise such as an MP3 player or an iPod.

Prepaid phone minutes: Some of the children will be using prepaid phones, so buying prepaid minutes will be a great gift for them too. However if the ‘wrong’ person gets the gift, encourage them to exchange with their friends, or alternatively arrange the prizes in such a way that the child can choose his or her prize.

Restaurant gift certificates: Kids like to eat and hang out in the local malls, so giving them restaurant gift certificates will be appropriate and useful to them.

Cash: Cash is king. If you run out of ideas to give prizes, then you could always award a 10 or 20-dollar bill to a lucky teen. All the teens at your party will be putting in their best efforts into the games when they know the grand prize is cash.

Video game: A video game for the latest console could be considered a very handsome prize. Your teens will want to come to your ninth grade party when they know you are so generous with this grand prize.

movie rental certificate: You can purchase this online or at a local movie rental store nearby. There are many Blockbusters that teens just love to watch and so this will be a very suitable gift.

Goodie bags containing items such as ice cream coupons, candies, small costume jewelery pieces make good prizes for the 8th grade party.

Remember to keep them happy with games that include card and dart tournaments, video game and board game matches. Carnival style games like ring toss should be popular with the teens too.

It is a great idea to include your 8th grader in the preparation of the party. He or she will be too happy to help you with the itinerary. In fact, your child and your child’s friends will likely think you are one of the best parents in the world if you let them in on your plans to throw a party. Everything from the invitations to food menu to game line-up to grand prizes should be in placed ahead of time. A word of caution, some 8th graders will not be happy if everybody in your family tree is there.

-By: Kate Slinger

Kate Slinger is a professional event planner and an avid writer. Take the common sense approach to organizing parties, celebrations and holiday events with unique ideas on a budget.

Party on the cheap offers tons of party ideas for any party occasions including holiday parties, birthday parties, anniversary parties, kids parties or adult parties. Discover how you can throw a party for less than $50 at www.partyonthecheap.com

Ground Floor Business Opportunities With Plenty of Room to Grow

One thing that many people look for in a home based business is a long, solid track record of business success that proves the effectiveness of the operation and its systems. It can often also be a great idea to find a business that, although it has a viable business model and a great product, may be just getting off the ground and doesn’t have a whole lot of history behind it yet. This can be a riskier approach to take, but the fact that a business doesn’t yet have a history of success doesn’t mean that it won’t, and the earlier you get in on an opportunity with a future, the more it could pay off in the long run.

To get your wheels spinning on possible business ventures, here are a handful of business opportunities that are still fresh out of the gates.

American Vending Systems

In a highly caffeinated American culture, few products could be as simple yet promising as a 35

A Guide to Buying DVDs As a Gift This Christmas

dvds have never been hotter and people are buying them like hotcakes this year. Perhaps it is because a dvd is an inexpensive form of entertainment for many that cannot afford to go out for dinner and a movie every night. Or maybe getting lost in the plot of an exciting movie can relieve stress from your daily lives. Whatever the reason, dvds are popular and reasonably priced to give and receive as Christmas gifts.

Seasonal TV shows on dvd are a great gift for someone who always has to be home at a certain time and refuses to answer the phone while their show was on. Of course, you’ll probably never get them to answer the phone now. Others enjoy variety of biographies of musicians and movie stars. Two of the biggest sellers are The Beatles and Madonna but keep your eyes peeled for anything on Michael Jackson, as you can be sure that these offerings will rise to the top quickly in ratings.

Comedies are always a good choice in picking out a dvd for someone. Almost everyone likes the Simpsons or similar comedy shows. Dramas and action packed movies will earn a spot in anyone’s dvd library, being watched over and over again. Documentaries are becoming popular with thousands of increasingly varied subjects to choose from. History, climate change, foreign lands and more can aid someone in their lust for knowledge.

If you truly do not know what type of selection to make, a gift voucher to one of the reputable online stores or sites can be given so your gift will sure to be enjoyed. There are numerous Internet-based etailers to choose from, so have a look around and find one that your loved one will use. Any departmental store will also carry a line of dvds but the selection may not be as large.

Play.com is the largest online provider of dvds in the UK. They have a unique gift finder section that narrows down the most popular choices for kids, men and women of all ages and price range. For example, if you have a nephew that is 13 years old, do you have any idea of what types of movies he likes to watch? How about Harry Potter, The Transformers, Terry Pratchett’s Hogfather or a seven disc series of Supercar, all priced between 20 and 40 GBP.

Blockbuster is a movie rental store that also sells new and used dvds. You can also trade in your dvds that you do not wish to keep in your selection. Think about giving the gift of a membership to a friend or relative that loves movies. They will soon find out how easy and inexpensive renting movies can be with a selection of new releases and old favorites alike.

dvds are a good selection as a gift for Christmas. Some stores will even notify you when new releases are in and keep you informed on any specials that they may be having. Nothing is more relaxing than a nice soft couch, a warm cozy blanket and a favorite dvd for getting through the winter months.

-By: Vincent Norman

Vincent Norman is a freelance writer living in the UK. He regularly contributes articles for The Online Shopping Centre, who offer the best range of Online dvd Stores.

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