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Overcoming Boredom at Home

Have you ever reached the point where you feel you have absolutely nothing to do? Does it seem like you are tired of doing your usual things and you want to try new adventurous activities? Yes? Then, boredom is indeed killing you. But do not fret, because as you read on, you will find out that there are a lot of things to do in the four corners of your home.

Enjoying yourself is as easy as one, two, three. The fact is that, there are hundreds of things we could do, but we often times overlook it. This usually happens when we crave for big expeditions, escapades, land travels, and the like which will only leave us disappointed because we know that we do not have much time or money to do it. So now, here are the simple yet, guaranteed entertaining things you could do at home.

Cooking Something New

For moms and for those who have spent all their lives in the kitchen, cooking has been more than just a hobby but a passion. Ever wondered why this is so? The reason is simple: there is so much fun in cooking. Aside from the fact that it is easy because you will just need to combine all the ingredients together then put it in an oven or pan, it will also leave your taste buds tantalized fully afterward. Do you think this is an ordinary activity? Why not try to go beyond the limits, think outside the box and cook something new? The only thing you have to do is experiment. Another option is to investigate new cuisines and recipes in those books gathering dust in your kitchen or on the internet.

Improve Your Landscaping or Garden

Look outside and does your garden look ordinary? Then there is another answer to your boredom. Get your pail, garden gloves, rake, and shovel and be ready to boost up that garden. You can select from the thousands of landscape ideas available from the internet and books. You can also make your artistic mind work by creating your own landscape. Doing landscaping may take two to three days depending on how big your garden is and how many new things you want to plant. Thus, you will be assured that your bored mind will be occupied for sometime.

Movie Marathon

When was the last time you took a couple of hours to watch a movie? Are there never any movies on television that you like? You can watch a movie that you have rented from a video store or swapped from friends. You can also get movies to watch without leaving your home by ordering them online from movie rental places. Some places will mail the movies to your home or will allow you to download them. You can invite your friends to watch with you so that it will be more enjoyable. If none of your friends are available, you can still dig into some popcorn and watch a horror movie alone. It may give you the spooks, but for sure it will not bore you.

New things will always be interesting. To overcome boredom, make sure that you try to do something new now and then. Stay busy and be always learning and doing.

-By: M Patelle

Michelle Patelle, stay-at-home mother and writer, hopes that nursing mothers will investigate their choices with information about breast pump reviews and general breast pump information.

Memories Before and After the Sound of Music – Book Review

Agathe von Trapp, born in 1913, is the eldest daughter of Baron Georg von Trapp. Agathe, her siblings and parents formed the famous Trapp Family Singers, which inspired the popular film, The Sound Of Music.This famous movie was based on books written by Maria about their lives and experiences from her perspective, which – of course – the movie producers had creative license with. After reading Agathe’s memoir, Memories Before And After The Sound Of Music, interest for Maria’s books will likely increase once again.

When I took on this project I reminisced to my husband about the bonding moments I had with my mother because of the movie; he went out and promptly rented the dvd from our local store. I think it is wonderful that the movie has survived all these years and can still be found on movie rental shelves. Memories Before And After The Sound Of Music is likely to experience similar success, simply due to how dear the family’s story has been to the masses.

The book is written as a non-fiction account from Agathe’s memory – as such, readers will see the changing times through the eyes of the eldest daughter of the family. Perhaps due to the fact that Agathe was a young adult at the time, the story does not include the causes of the turmoil. Her bitterness seeps through here and there – and at times, I got the impression that she had once harbored unpleasant feelings towards Maria and the movie producers, which seem to have healed. Agathe’s child-like adoration of her biological parents is apparent in their heroic and greater-than-life portrayal – but then, perhaps they really were like that.

Readers will find that Agathe’s book will travel farther back in time, before Maria entered their lives. The biography follows through to what happened after their escape and clarifies common misconceptions. I found it surprising that Agathe was 25 when the family left for America – the only “children” during the escape were those recently born from Maria.

Though this family’s story is definitely and inspiring riches-to-rags story, one cannot deny that this well-connected family certainly did not suffer like their countrymen. Isolated castles and mansions, pristine lakes and mountains, private farms, fully staffed estates… no, this was certainly not suffering, by any account. However, the war left the family with nothing but the loyalty and love of their fans and friends. This was enough for them to survive Ellis Island, find a home in America, record albums, go on tours and establish a successful music camp – which is operating today in Vermont.

As a fantastic bonus, the center of the book contains over 30 pages of photos of the family starting in 1875 through to images of the family today, including one shot of the next Trapp family singing group.

Author: Agathe von Trapp

Publisher: Publish America

ISBN 10: 1-4137-6026-0

ISBN 13: 978-1-4137-6026-2

-By: Lillian Brummet

~ Lillian Brummet: co-author of the books Trash Talk and Purple Snowflake Marketing, author of Towards Understanding; host of the Conscious Discussions radio show (http://www.brummet.ca)

Dating on a Budget – 4 Ideas That Won’t Put a Hole in Your Wallet

Even though you are strapped for cash, this doesn’t mean that you can’t go out and have a good time with your girlfriend. This article discusses four ideas for a romantic date that won’t put a hole in your wallet.

1. Dinner and movies. Take her out to a movie and then have dinner afterwards. You should wait until a movie has been out for a while to save money. You can get discounted prices on movies that have been out for at least two weeks. These tickets can be purchased through Triple A or Costco. Afterwards, you can take her to dinner. It doesn’t have to be a fancy restaurant. Try AppleBee’s 2 for $20. Or, you can take her to Boston Market.

2. Sports in the Park. If your girl is the sporty type, then you can have some fun by doing athletic activities. For instance, you can play tennis or go rollerblading. You can spend hours doing sports related activities without having to take anything out of your wallet.

3. movie rentals

Five More Movies You Think Would Be Better Than They Are

Here are five more movies you think would be really better than they are, unfortunately for the films, the scripts, the direction, and the actors, they are not.

Imagine Me

Last Minute Gift Ideas For Teenagers

There is so much to think about this time of year, that you may have run out of ideas of gifts for your teen. If you are in need of a few last minute Holiday Gift ideas or stocking fillers for the teens in your life the ideas in this article should help you.

1. Petrol Card. If your teen drives, this is an great gift! With gas prices going through the roof, a teenager needs all the extra money for gas that they can get.

2. Free movie rental. Pick up a voucher for their local video store or get a subscription for an online rental site for your teen.

3. Magazine Subscription. Simply go to the nearest newsagents and pick up a copy a magazine you think your teen your teen will enjoy and send in the subscription card that is located in the folds of its pages. Then write out on a Christmas card that the subscription should start in a month, until then enjoy this copy.

4. Music. Gift certificates at iTunes.com or at the local CD store will be greatly appreciated. Music is the way to many teenagers hearts.

5. Amazon Gift Card. Anything a teenager could want is online at Amazon – books, makeup, video games, you name it. Gift cards are easy to purchase right on the site. You can also email the gift certificate code right to the teen if you are really running late!

6. Movie Tickets. It is not cheap to go to the cinema. It is not a wonder that most teens prefer group dating – no one has the cash to pay for their date too! If you are going to get movie tickets, make sure you get two, so your teen can bring a friend.

-By: Rebecca Osborn

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5 Ways to Save $20

What could you do with an extra $20, $60 or $100 a month? Now, $20 may not seem like a lot of money to some, but if you tuck that $20 away it adds up to $240 a year. Now were talking about some substantial money.

Here are 5 ways you can reduce spending and easily save $20 a month.

1. Trim 1 trip out for lunch a week. The cost of a value/combo meal at most fast food restaurants will run you $5 to $7 each. By bringing a bag lunch 1 day a week you can easily save $5 a week or $20 a month. The key is to bring leftovers or something already on hand from home.

2. Use cloth napkins and dish clothes instead of paper towels. Not only is this better for the environment, but it’s also better for your wallet. Paper towels can run anywhere from $1 for one roll to $12 for 8 rolls. Ouch!

3. Shave off $5 a week in gas. Some ways to cut down on gasoline usage are to car pool to work or kids activities, run multiple errands instead of one each day, and obviously stay home more often.

4. Cut out your $5 movie rental each week. Start utilizing your local library – many offer free dvd rentals. Another way to save is to trade movies with friends. Just make sure you return them to avoid fees at the library and damaging relationships with friends. Another option is to rent a movie at any RedBox location. The dvds are only $1 a night and many include newly released dvds.

5. It may be difficult in this trying economy, but pay your bills on time. Some companies charge $35 a month in late fees. Also, by paying your bills on time, you will have a better credit score and that will help you qualify for better interest rates saving you money.

Some of these tips are easy and some more difficult, but all are worth the effort to save you money each month. $5 a week may not sound like much, but that adds up for $240 a year for just one of the ways listed. How many more ways can you think of?

-By: Kimberly Shavatt

Kimberly Shavatt is the owner of HelpingMomsAtHome.com and Helping Moms @ Home Blog. She offers lots of hints, tips, time saving, and money saving ideas and resources for moms.

Buy a Digital Video Recorder

I can remember when TV first came out. It was a black and white system and far removed from the digital magic we get now. Before that was the radio and we used to go to bed and listen to the Sunday night playbill which was a movie on air read out by faceless voices. All our favorite kids shows would be on air every afternoon and were a kids delight. Shows like “Hop Harrigan” and “Life With Dexter”. If your old like me you will be smiling now with those reflections.

Otherwise there was the good old Monopoly board and I remember buying my first set at the age of nine. I think my son still has it with the old pounds and shillings for money. On Saturday afternoon would be our weekly treat to go to the movies and watch one of the old black and white westerns on the big screens. Eventually, after we had our black and white TV for a while they brought out color TV. What a relief to finally get something with a bit of quality to watch. However, where we lived you had to have a very tall antennae and then the reception was dodgy at the best of times. You were often out side jiggling and twisting the pole to try and tune in a watchable picture.

The TV systems today have come a long way since those days. Eventually we were blessed with the video player recorder. What a piece of magic. We could now watch movies at home as long as you were close to the movie rental shops that seemed to spring up everywhere. A new business was born and another one died. It triggered the end for the drive in movie theaters. They used to be a great night out. We would drive for an hour and a half to go to the drive in and it was a favorite night out. They are mostly all gone now. Even the movie theater had to do a major reshuffle to claim back some of their movie goers after the advent of video players. We can now record TV and play it back later. What magic. There was great competition between beta and VHS systems with VHS finally winning.

Just when they thought they had captured the market someone brought out dvd players and finally we could watch theater quality movies and that has almost killed the VHS industry especially now that dvd recorders are available. Now dvd movies are as cheap as chips at all the discount stores although the new release ones still hold their value for a while.

But don’t hold your breadth because we now have digital video recorders or the DVR. What are they. I don’t really know all that they do yet. I just discovered them in an online store but they sound fantastic. You have digital high definition quality movies, pause and record TV, instant movie download capabilities just to name a few of the things that they do. I was not techie enough to understand half of their features but they sound like the next must have thing for your living room or surround sound movie lounge. You just have to check them out on line to get the full story but I am sure you will be impressed. Are you looking to upgrade your movie viewing capabilities. Apparently these things even work out cheaper than cable TV. Must be the next wave of high Tech home gadgets. Google them now and check them out.

-By: Nick Young

Hi Guys, Be amazed at what these things can do. Have a look now. DIGITAL VIDEO RECORDER

Satellite TV Can Bring the Movie Theatre to Your Home

Remember when the cost of admission for a family to attend a baseball game was under $50? Can you think back to a time when seats at a Broadway show were realistically priced under $100 a spot? Do you have any recollection of when museums were free and simply asked for a donation if you could spare the change? As seems to be the trend with most facets of pop culture these days, the price of going to the movies has skyrocketed in recent times as well. In the past decade alone the cost of admission, let alone the prices listed at the concession stands, has jumped up a handful of times. In some major cities like New York, a single seat now runs patrons upwards of $12. A crazy thought when you think about how they used to cost a dime less than a century ago.

While some people chalk up the added expense as a bump in their financial road, others are no longer able to see movies at the rate that they once did due to this increase in pricing. For those individuals, there are a couple of options as to where they can get their movie fix from outside of the air-conditioned and popcorn filled theatres. There are movie stores, but everybody knows the problem with those: you can rent a movie for a strict period of time and have to bring it back by a costly deadline. This, in effect, ruins some of the fun of being able to watch a movie when you want to and not have to worry about running back to the store in time to avoid expensive late fees. So unless you are fortunate to live seconds or mere minutes away from a movie rental location, this option is often more work than it is worth.

Another option, and one that seems to be growing in popularity, is watching movies at home on TV through a variety of channels. With satellite TV, you are able to surf through dozens of movie channels that play some of the most current and more timeless movies throughout the day. With specific channels for specific genres of movies (for example, a HBO Comedy channel or Showtime Family channel) you can rest assured that there will be something on at all time for every member of the household, no matter how large the age range may be. Furthermore, the programming offered is truly unparalleled as far as the number of high definition channels you get with some of these satellite TV packages. Not only are you provided with a seemingly endless slew of movie channels, many being broadcast in HD quality, but you also have channels that allow you to purchase movies to your television right in front of you. Browse catalogues of movies that range from new release, to genre specific titles – a library at your fingertips that truly cannot be matched.

With so many quality choices so readily available, the cost of going to the movies has been offset by the options people now have simply by staying at home and utilizing the power of the televisions.

-By: John R. Harrison

There’s nothing better than Direct TV for top-notch television entertainment. Go with one of the great Direct TV packages available now. You’ll have all the best sports, movies and HD programming at your fingertips!

Free Movie Downloads

The internet has revolutionized the world in more ways than one. Beginning as a virtual storehouse of all information, it progressed to provide other services like downloading free songs, music videos and movies.

Aside from watching movies in the theatre, you have the option of renting a video and watching it in the privacy of your home. Though movie rentals are still a popular option, the latest buzz is downloading movies from the internet.

The trend of downloading movies from the internet has become so popular that a website has claimed that at least three billion movies, video songs and clips were downloaded in just one month. The claim may or may not be an exaggeration, but it definitely points to the increasing popularity of downloading movies.

One way to download a movie is the file swapping method. This works in the same way as sharing music files. The process is, for the most part, illegal. Those involved gain access to sneak previews of the movies, copy the film and put them on websites. In fact, these movies reach people faster than they do in theaters.

Film companies stand to lose, and it is no surprise that they have tried to take legal recourse to find a solution.

In a bid to stop this menace, movie companies are trying to save the day by offering movies for free downloading. For this, customers need to pay a fee and watch the movie within twenty-four hours or the files become inaccessible.

-By: Kristy Annely

Free Movie Downloads provides detailed information about free movie downloads, free dvd movie downloads, free movie software downloads, free movie trailer downloads and more. Free Movie Downloads is the sister site of dvd Rentals Info [http://www.i-dvdrentals.com].

Informed Americans – Hollywood’s Silent Killer

With the unsteady global market and high unemployment rates, average Americans have been trying to find new ways to save money. From hunting for coupons and shaving unnecessary costs off of what some might consider luxury items. Unfortunately the economy has been so bad, that the list of luxury items has expanded from junk food to entertainment. Restaurants have suffered during the economy since people have discovered that cooking meals at home is a huge saver. The entertainment industry has also been a victim to the brutal economy, Broadway has taken a huge hit where legendary shows have had to take its final call due to low ticket sales. While the average Broadway ticket price ranges from $40 to $100 its easy to see why people are cutting such luxuries out of their budgets. Some Broadway plays have attempted to revive their ticket sales by bringing in big names like Denzel Washington in Fences, Hugh Jackman in A Steady Rain, and Jude Law in Hamlet.

Hollywood has also been attempting to stay on top despite the so called double dip recession. With movie ticket prices continuously on the rise, especially for the 2010 year, movie goers have been highly discouraged by the ridiculous movie costs. Movie ticket prices have increased a whopping 8 percent, and average $7.35 to $7.95 in May 2010. An always outrageous markup on the snacks at the movie theater has movie goers doubting if a night at the movies is really worth it. The average price of popcorn is $6 and a soft drink is $4. With these obvious drawbacks for attending a movie, people are taking alternative methods to fulfill their entertainment needs. Popular movie rental companies mainly Netflix are ever-growing profit wise. They are a company who gets it, they offer convenience and low prices. Your are able to choose movies to add to your queue and have them mailed to your home, you return them when you’re done to exchange for your next requested movie. There is no worries about late feed or any type of inconvenience. You can buy an entire box of microwavable popcorn for the same price as one overly buttered tub of popcorn from the theater.

Video streaming sites like Hulu streaming television shows and movies straight to the consumers computer. The cost of Hulu is absolutely free, you just have to deal with commercials in between segments of videos. That’s a small price to pay for convenience and spending no money to view movies online. There are other options to view movies that are still in theaters or not yet released on dvd. These options are not the most noble of sites, but there will be a time where they will not be looked upon with so much disdain. Hollywood has been trying to fight these sites but it’s only money down the drain. Once one falls there will always be another site there to take its place. The only way to beat these sites is to beat them at their own game, hopefully the day will come where movies in the theater will be available to view on your TV either by a pay-per-view system or commercials. Years from now the entertainment industry will look back at all their mistakes and ponder on why such bad calls were made. Consumers have actively voiced their opinions on such matters and obvious solutions, but those top executives have been trying to hold on to their coin purses using such archaic methods. Now is the time for change, with the persistent increasing use of the Internet it is certainly inevitable that high entertainment costs will not be tolerated for much longer.

-By: Jason Hoffa

To become more knowledgeable on affordable entertainment alternatives go to Netflix.com or Hulu.com to Watch Free Movies.

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