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How to Sing Well

As a possible interested performer, I’ve been recently studying all the facets of how you can sing well for quite a while. Many vocal coaches on the market are hung up entirely about technique, bringing about a accomplished, yet usually ridged words. Others behave more as vocal cheerleaders, providing little advice yet encourage singers to […]

Ugly Performances Of American Idol

Sometimes, a performance is so wrong, it is good. Just like a popular movie we can be assured that we will always remember them. The American Idol show fans all know what we have been speaking about. It is not always the top that are noticed in your head. You have the well-known Carrie Underwood […]

Avoiding Pitching Problems

If you want to learn to sing, you must know one fact.. even singers experienced pitching problems. Every singers sing off pitch occasionally, but some singers continually battle to sing the right notes. They do not have the ability to sing ‘by ear’, and they can’t seem to get the hang of fitting their voice […]